Introduction and Story: |
The game play and bottomline: | |
Anyway, if you are use to any of the older Bomberman's out there then you know what's going on here. You see enemy, you drop bomb, you get the hell outta there, and there you go! The Normal Mode is your standard single player adventure where you go to different planets, fight weird enemies, and conquer over 40 plus stages. This is improved over the original thanks to more diverse stages and new power ups so it's a good way to eat up some time but the real fun is in the Battle Mode, baby! The excellent multi-player comes here with the ability to customize human or computer controlled characters and you can fight it out in 8 different levels. These wacky stages are filled with everything from traps, wraps, conveyer belts, and much more so the game has a lot to try and play around with. Sure, the game maybe fun as heck here but sadly the graphics and music are nothing too special. Although they are colourful kind of, the lack of detail makes really looks pretty bad and the overly cheerful music fits the cute feel but it is mostly forgettable. Still Bomberman 93 is a great, addictive party game to have around so you can finally put that old Turbo Tap (or Wii-motes of course) to good use. If you can find it, get it! |
Here is my 8 minute video review of Bomberman 93 too! Warning: there is some swearing in it: |
Conclusion: | |
*600 points to download on the Wii Virtual Console *Save option available Bomberman 93 overall rating: 92/100 Find Bomberman 93 on eBay here! For 1 to 5 players |