(Atari/LiamaSoft/Yak, November 1993)
If anybody remembers the Atari Jaguar gaming system then there is a good chance
they remember that good games were far and few between for that over hyped 64-bit
machine, eh? With all the talk about the power of this new 64-bit processor, faster speeds, and
increased junk compared to the competition all we got were 4 (Cyber morph, Trevor McFur, Raiden, and Dino Dudes)
of the most uninspiring games ever launched for any game system back in 1993. Fortunately, Atari's
next game helped to silence some of the gaming critics.
Tempest 2000 was a really amazing upgrade to the classic First person shooter
from 1981 (a pretty good year for Atari by the way) featuring a yellow 'U' shaped
star ship in an enclosed web. In the game you have to shoot away at strange looking line shaped aliens that
invade your space to either capture or just destroy you but destroying them
all the incoming enemies or running out of time means you can escape through
the other side to the next web level. Tempest 2000 features the original classic
Tempest, Tempest Plus (some power ups and filled in enemies), Two player Tempest
(split screen action), and of course the awesome Tempest 2000 itself on one
cart so it's hard to get bored.

Tempest 2000 not only features the same wild and fast game play that made the
original such a hit but it also features all new smooth polygon graphics, excellent
techno music, bonus levels, and even power ups! Tempest was never an easy game
and Tempest 2000 is no exception. Your enemies consist of Flippers, Demon Heads,
and even other yellow ships that look just like you. All these aliens usually
come in packs too so it's really easy to get overwhelmed here. Fortunately you
can power up your little ship with Particular Lasers, Jump abilities, an AI
droid, and more. Trust me you will want them on your side when the action gets
heated. There are 100 levels to master if you want to see any kind of ending
to this game but at least you can save your progress if you manage to beat so
many stages.
Super Zapper recharge
The graphics were like nothing I have ever seen before! Tempest 2000 looks are
truly unique because of the Melt O Vision effects used every so often like the
particular-like explosions and the 2000 points messages that appear in the middle
of the screen. If you get tired of the 3Dwebs than you can always go to the
bonus levels like the 'Fly through the Rings game' and see visuals that push
the old Jaguar to its limits! Although the game looks awesome there is usually
too much going on at once in the later levels to see what's really going on
and half the time you know what hit you which is kind of cheap.

The music is some of the best music I ever heard in any video game and that
includes any CD based game too! The fast paced techno music works well for
the quick action of the game and I love the heavy metal track late in the
game. The Techno rave music was so good that Atari released a sound track
CD available with the Jaguar CD package. The Tempest Soundtrack, many say,
was the best part of the otherwise lacklustre Jaguar CD deal (remember that
awful Blue Lightning game?).
The classic the way it should be!
Tempest 2000 is an excellent example of how to do a good remake. Add tons
of new innovative features to already some great game play and throw in some
new eye candy with some really intense music as well. Sadly, other great arcade
classics like Galaga and Centipede for the Sony Playstation failed on their upgrade attempts because they played almost nothing like their
originals. If you’re dying for some old school arcade action, Tempest
2000 will impress the heck out of you!

Also for the Sega Saturn, PC, and the Sony PlayStation (Tempest X)
Conclusion: |
overall rating: 88/100
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 7/10
sound: 10/10
gameplay: 8/10
replay: 9/10
(Ryan Genno)
Other Games of The Month