(Fall 1989-1999) Millions of Game boy owners can't be wrong! ![]() |
GAMEBOY POCKET 1996-1999 Sure, the original Gameboy was one of the most popular portable systems of all time but by the early 1990's the whole black and white only look just wasn't cutting it anymore. The Gameboy Pocket here is an updated version of the original black and white Gameboy released in 1996 to help sagging sales of the system. Surprisingly it worked! One of the big selling points of the GBP is that it's actually 30% smaller than the bulky original. The system is now even more portable because of it. Not only that but it also has a much clearer screen that eliminates a lot of that nasty glare and overall green look from before but the problems are still there. The Game boy Pocket takes only two AAA batteries instead of the standard and much heavier 4 AA set. The GBP is great but it still has its huge list of problems. The GBP is still just a boring black and white unit with only 4 shades of gray scale plus won't play any Gameboy Advance carts or any compatible GBC games in colour of course so even though the system is very light and durable you still have deal with older technology here. Still there are several hundred games for it (some of them are even good) so a lot of fun can be had here. GAMEBOY COLOR (November 23, 1998-2002) ![]() For example; like the original Gameboy, one of the launch titles for the Gameboy Color was the famous Russian puzzle game Tetris DX. The newer Tetris here not only had new colour effects to show off the power of the GBC but it also included new modes and save options to help make it more accessible for gamers on the go. Speaking of the system's portability the GBC is just slightly larger then the tiny Gameboy Pocket (it's about 3 pounds in weight) thanks to the new bump in the back (who doesn't mind a little extra junk in the truck, eh?) for the two AA batteries but it's very minor and it's still better then that huge white brick that was the original Gameboy. Although a lot GBC games will still play on older Gameboy units (minus the colour of course), there are some GBC exclusive games will only work on the Gameboy Color (like Super Mario Bros. DX and Kirby Tilt and Tumble for example) here. Be sure you look on the game's box for the details before you buy because if you are super poor and only have the older black and white Gameboy's you may be screwed with a game you can't even play. Although the screen is fairly clear, you may have to get the real amount of light in the area to view it so it's far from perfect. If you can find this little beauty for about 10 bucks and you don't have Gameboy Advance, Nintendo DS, PSP, or even that crappy N-gage cell phone thing then by all means get it. The system may only be a anicent 8-bit unit with limited colours, low resolutions, no Wi-Fi support or any of that fancy new age junk but it does have a ton of interesting games out for it. Tetris, Donkey Kong Country, Pokemon, Pac Man, Dragon Warrior, Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda and many more big names are all available here and those are just a few of the thousands you can find. Don't be ashamed you are playing a 1998 gaming system here because it sure beats playing with a Blackberry (but it's still not better then playing with yourself though). Nintendo didn't stop there of course, we can't forget about Nintendo's new 32-bit Game boy called the Gameboy Advance and the Gameboy Advance SP and yes; they will still play most of those old Game boy games of yours too. Nintendo is also released Dual Screen system called the Nintendo DS but it won't play the older B&W and Color GB games. So feel free to get any Gameboy but don't get over broad and get more than one, that's going too far I think. Rating: 31/100 Gameboy: you're better off getting the Game boy Advance so you can play the newer games as well. Rating: 53/100 The Gameboy Pocket is a good upgrade to the original white brick. Rating: 62/100 The Gameboy Color is a great upgrade to the original to the large gray hotel soap.
Game Boy (White, multi-colour casing, black and white
screen, 8-bit) |
Top Ten (Tetris beats out Pokemon, but Pokemon is still strong) |
#1 TETRIS DX * |
Most Disappointing: MORTAL KOMBAT 4 |
Worst Game boy Game EVER: DOUBLE DRAGON 3 (See below) |
Most Underrated: BIONIC COMMANDO |
Surprisingly, some of the worse Game boy games are actually some
of the most popular ones as well. Just because a game is great on another
system doesn't always mean it's going to be great on Game boy.
StarSoldier's top five worse Game boy Games:
5. STREET FIGHTER II (Nintendo/Capcom, 1994)
With only two buttons on the Game boy itself, choppy animation, and only
9fighters, this is not really worth picking up. This is the worse version of
Street Fighter II I can think of! I wish there was NES version instead of this
awful fighter on Game boy.
4. PAC MAN (Namco, 1992)
It just does not feel
the same in black & white despite sounding the same. I actually liked the Atari 2600 version better
than this.
3. BLASTER MASTER BOY (Sunsoft, 1991)
Another bitter
disappointment from this series. Plays like a hard to control game of Bomberman
and not Blaster Master on NES which wouldn't be so bad if the game wasn't so
slow. Not a fun game at all.
2. MORTAL KOMBAT 4 (Midway, 2000)
Some games just don't
belong on an 8-bit system. The Mortal Kombat series is one of them. Don't
expect any lightning fast arcade action here!
1. DOUBLE DRAGON 3 (Acclaim, 1993)
The enemies rule in
this game, but you don't. The first time I played this the enemies just drop
kick you all the time and there is little you can actually do about it, the
game never did get any easier nor did it ever get fun to play. DD3 is an awful
game with poor programming.
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