Down and Dirty Reviews: Sega Master -- T - Z |
Master system failed for a reason, that's for sure. You'll see a
lot of bad scores in sound because of the overall poor audio of the system
in general plus you'll play some pretty standard, if not, bland games
with not a lot of originality. But then there is Phantasy Star
down there and don't forget about the other action and RPG's like Alex
Kidd, Wonderboy, Y's or Miracle Warriors. All
reviews are by StarSoldier unless noted.
*Card and 3D Super Scope games will only work on the Sega Master System base console. The overall score is out of 100. The graphics, sounds, and game play are out of 10. |
Score / Name
TEDDY BOY (Sega, 1987)
*Card game
This is what a Alex Kidd game would be like if it really sucked! OK,
it isn't that bad (it's even better then Alex Kidd in Tech World in fact) even though
this cute shooting action game is aimed for younger kids here, Teddy Boy is
quite difficult so it only frustrate the children instead. In the game you control
a young Jewish boy (is he Jewish, it looks like it?) and you must destroy all
the enemies and turn them into smaller objects on screen to finish the stage but bad guys become more aggressive
the further you go into the game. Still Teddy Boy is very intense and easy enough
to control so it is still very playable if you can stomach the cuteness.
For 1 player only
graphics: 3
sound: 4
gameplay: 5
Find this game on eBay here!
THUNDER BLADE (Sega, 1988)
The game starts out nice because the vertical overhead view and helicopter action here reminds me of Twin
Cobra but it ended being not as good without the awesome weapons and different
enemies to shoot down. The game gets even worse when the game shifts to a ugly 3D mode where
it too hard to see what is actually coming at you. Master system Thunder Blade
is another arcade game that should have stayed put.
For 1 player only
graphics: 5
sound: 4
gameplay: 3
Find this game on eBay here!
46 VIGILANTE (Sega/Irem, 1989)
In this 2D action game you get
to help a man take the law into his own hands has he goes through 5 extremely
short but greuling levels of street thugs to save your kidnapped girlfriend.
Although you only have basic punches and kicks here, you can pick up some Nunchuncks
to help you out on your deadly mission. Be awhere however that some your enemies
can use weapons too and you can lose a lot life fast here. Sure, the background
graphics are pretty good but the game is extremely choppy and the music and
sound effects are absolutely horrible as well. Vigilante is a simple action
game that isn't not much fun to play after the quest has been beaten.
For 1 player only
graphics: 5
sound: 3
gameplay: 4
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WONDERBOY (Sega/Escape, 1986)
Wonder Boy here is a good translation of
the original classic arcade game featuring a skateboarding cave boy trying to
save a cute princess. This is a solid adventure/action game that has a lot of
levels and secrets but it isn't perfect because Wonderboy can be tough to control
especially while jumping. This is still a cool platform game that will really
test you.
For 1 player only
graphics: 6
sound: 6
gameplay: 5
Find this game on eBay here!
The Wonder Boy dude can now carry a sword
and shield around through 12 monster filled levels in this huge new adventure. Although the gameplay is
still very arcade-like because of the time limits, the new role playing features
like weapon and spell upgrades make it less linear then the last game. Definitely worth a
look despite some rather mediocre graphics and sounds here.
For 1 player only
graphics: 4
sound: 4
gameplay: 7
Find this game on eBay here!
The StarSoldier Game of the Month!
WONDER BOY III: The Dragon's
Trap (Sega, 1990)
The Wonder Boy makes another comeback
and part III is a good and long adventure as you try to rid the Wonderboy here
of a unusual animal curse. Each animal power has its own unique ability like
being able to walk up walls and breath fire plus you can even upgrade your character
with multiple swords and items too. Wonder Boy III may lack replay value once it's
finished but it was still a wild and entertaining ride while it lasted. If you
are looking for a easy to get into adventure with impressive graphics and sounds
then be sure to get Wonder Boy III.
For 1 player only
graphics: 8
sound: 7
gameplay: 9
Find this game on eBay here!
30 WORLD CUP ITALIA '90 (Sega, 1990)
*Canadian and European game
Anybody remember this title? It's OK if you don't because its not very good.
This SMS soccer title is packed with flickers and this old system just can't
handle all those players on screen but that should be as no surprise to Master
system players though. It's better then Great Soccer but what isn't?
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 3
sound: 1
gameplay: 5
Find this game on eBay here!
76 Y'S The VANISHING OMEN (Sega/Falcom,
If you never heard of Y's before
then get ready for a great action RPG that started this popular Anime-like game
series. Adol goes on a suicide mission to discover what happened to the lost
city of Y's and stop a evil ruler. Not only is the story cool but the game even
has music that is surprisingly good even though it's
on the Master System. What makes this game so different then other RPG's
is that you can freely walk up to the monsters and demons to defeat them but
at be careful of the stronger and higher experienced enemies that may be able
to wipe you out in one hit. Not everyone will like the hit and run game play
here but it works well, some times. Bosses and some unknown enemies can do a
insane amount of damage and it sucks you have to up close to risk your life
just to kill this thing. Although some won't like the boring graphics and high
difficult here, Y's is easily the second best RPG on the system (behind
*Battery back up game
*Uncommon SMS game
For 1 player only
graphics: 5
sound: 8
gameplay: 8
Find this game on eBay here!
70 ZAXXON 3D (Sega, 1987)
*Sega Scope 3D game
Sega's legendary arcade classic (Zaxxon) actually came to the Sega Master
System and although the basic shooting and fuel collecting game play remains
the same, this title supports those SegaScope glasses to create one fine looking
game. There is even a 2D mode available if you bring up a menu while in pause
so you don't even need those glasses to play this either. Zaxxon 3D is one of the better
versions of this old school arcade shooter out there.
For 1 player only
graphics: 8
sound: 6
gameplay: 6
Find this game on eBay here!
ZILLION (Sega, 1988)
It's a shame that the sequel
was so average because this game packs a lot of cool unlinear action here plus
you even get some strategic game play to keep anybody busy for while. It is
highly recommend that you buy Zillion with a manual though because there are
a lot codes that need to be entered throughout the adventure. Zillion is tough
especially since there is no password or save options but the heavy action and
brain scratching game play it still here.
For 1 player only
graphics: 6
sound: 7
gameplay: 8
Find this game on eBay here!
ZILLION II Triformation (Sega, 1989)
So why isn't there a Zillion
3 you ask? Because this game here killed the series that's why! It's the
basic formula with Zillion II, start the game out on a motorbike in the forced
scrolling stages then you go to the straight forward platform levels and repeat
till the game is finished. Yawn! Stick with the original.
For 1 player only
graphics: 5
sound: 4
gameplay: 4
Find this game on eBay here!
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