Down and Dirty Reviews: Gamecube -- N - S |
Here it is! The Game Cube is Nintendo's first
stand alone disc unit and it makes you wonder if they had trouble adjusting
to the new medium? So how are their games? These are the games I had
a chance to play so far.
The overall scores are out of 100! The graphics, sounds, and gameplay are out of 10! |
Score / Name
65 NAMCO MUSEUM (Namco/Mass Media, 2002)
Here is a great collection
of arcade legends from the 80's that now arrives to the Game Cube. This game
even includes rare 1995 arcade remakes as well so certain games may be new to
some players out there. The controls are flawless and the replay value is huge
but are these 12 games enough to lay down the 50 bucks? Chances are that if
you're a classic gaming freak then you probably already have played or still
own a lot of these games here to begin with. Namco Museum for Game Cube would
have been a must own if there was more exclusive games and better extras but
Namco played it too safe and they just relied on their old stand bys to get
the job done. Good but not great.
For 1 or 2 players
Rated (E) for Everyone
graphics: 2
sound: 4
gameplay: 8
Find Namco Museum on eBay here!
70 NHL HITZ 20-02 (Midway, 2001)
Hitz is a great arcade translation
of an awesome rock em sock em Hockey game. The game play is simple here: it's
just 3 on 3 Hockey with each player being from real NHL teams and you you can
earn special lightning abilities to help you gain a edge. It's fun to battle
it out in more comic-like action then say EA's NHL 2002 but the options
are still very limited in comparsion. NHL Hitz is a fun multi-player title.
For 1 or 4 players
graphics: 7
sound: 7
gameplay: 7
Find NHL Hitz 20-02 on eBay here!
PAC MAN VERSUS (Namco/Nintendo, December 2003)
You can get this game free if you get it with some Namco GC titles but the question
is Pac Man Vs. worth your time? The game plays just like the old Pac Man game
from the arcade but now Pac Man is controlled by the person holding the Gameboy
and your friends use the Ghosts and the Game Cube controller(s). Pac Man Vs.
can only be played with the Gameboy to Game Cube connection and that means you
can only play this with some friends so don't expect any single player frills
here. Pac Man Vs. is still a very unique and fun multi-player that could have
been a lot better if there were more mazes and options available.
For 2 to 4 players
Rated (E) for Everyone
graphics: 4
sound: 4
gameplay: 7
Find Pac Man Vs. on eBay here!
PAC MAN WORLD 2 (Namco, 2002)
Pac Man comes back to the scene again here and this 3D adventure game is actually
very playable. You can even unlock 4 classic Pac Man games if you want to take
a break from the main game. I hate the camera control and the game play is a
bit too simple when compared to Super Mario Sunshine but there's no denying
that this game is still a lot of fun for adventure seekers.
For 1 to 2 players
Rated (E) for Everyone
graphics: 6
sound: 5
gameplay: 7
Find Pac Man World 2 on eBay here!
77 PIKMIN (Nintendo, December 2001)
What's this? A real
time strategy game by Nintendo!? It's true however it's not the usually war
simulation with giant tanks and huge mechs that most PC owners are used too.
Don't look away just yet though because Pikmin is still a unique quest for survival
on a strange new planet. In the game you are a dude named Captain Olimar, a
space explorer who was on a routine trek through the galaxy when his spaceship
gets hit by a massive asteroid and you're forced to crash on strange new planet.
Olimar needs to get help from the local Pikmin ground creatures to find your
missing star ship parts before you lose your air and die in 30 days. Pikmin
can be a little slow for some but where else can you lead a group of hundred
aliens to do your dirty work?
For 1 player only
Rated (E) for Everyone
graphics: 8
sound: 7
gameplay: 9
Find Pikmin on eBay here!
74 PIKMIN 2 (Nintendo, 2003)
That little space dude Olimar is back at it again but this time he has even more help here. Just like in the last game you try to recruit a bunch of cute little aliens with flowers growing out of their heads to either guide you a path, grab certain items, or even attack enemies. Besides the typical blue, red, and yellow creatures you can pick up large purple or tiny white Pikmin as well and you can even compete against a friend too. The game isn't radically different and the odd product placement was a little odd to see here (Daracell batteries?) but it's still a creative series plus I love seeing these little buggers scream in pain as they are getting destroyed.
For 1 or 2 players
Rated (E) for Everyone
graphics: 7
sound: 7
gameplay: 8
Find Pikmin 2 on eBay here!
63 RESIDENT EVIL (Capcom, May, 2002)
I think everybody was pretty much shocked when Capcom announced in the summer
of 2001 that their new next generation Resident Evil game was going to be a
Nintendo GameCube exclusive and not for the PlayStation2 like many were
expecting. Capcom is going to try to remake Resident Evil 1, 2, and 3 all over
again and this is the first game of their master plan. So how did they do on
there first outing? Sadly this game is scary for all the wrong reasons. I see no reason why the controls should be this way especially since the set
up is basically for games with tanks in them not cops. Also the game play is
a little on the boring side despite having some undead monsters jumping at you
all the time. Saving your gunfire and going back and front for items is not
too exciting to me. Resident Evil should please fans of the series for a few
days anyways but if you're looking for the ultimate survival horror game than
you are going to be disappointed.
For 1 player only
Rated (M) for Mature
graphics: 8
sound: 8
gameplay: 6
Find Resident Evil on eBay here!
TTR Dud of the Month Collection!
RESIDENT EVIL 2 (Capcom, Feburary 2003)
I don't give out low ratings
like this too often but here is one game, I feel, deserves to be outlawed from
the stores. OK, I know a lot people out there love this horror series and all
but you can milk a franchise so far. In the game you control one of two human
survivors in a city invested with killer zombies. I could never really get into
it thanks to the bad controls and the same goes for the Game Cube edition here.
Capcom did nothing new here and this is just your Dad's Resident Evil 2 from
have a half decade ago yet the game is still introduced at a whopping 50 dollars.
If they only updated the game like they did with the first Resident Evil then
this could have been another killer title. Sadly, the Capcom company heads are
focusing too much on the past and it's really starting to hurt them here.
*Uncommon Gamecube game
For 1 player only
Rated (M) for Mature
graphics: 3
sound: 3
gameplay: 5
Find Resident Evil 2 on eBay here!
12 RESIDENT EVIL 3 Nemesis (Capcom, Feburary 2003)
Remember when Capcom announced that the Resident Evil trilogy would be remade
exclusively for the Gamecube? Sure, the first Resident Evil on the Gamecube
was a fine example of what the series would look like on a next generation but
I got a little worried when both Resident Evil 2 & 3 were released on the
same day with no hype. My fears were fully realized when both Resident Evil
2 and this Resident Evil 3 game are actually no different then there older Playstation
One originals. Resident Evil 3 was a good game back in its day but it wasn't a great game because
it was more of a side story of Resident Evil 2 here you play as a few
other survivors and that's not a true sequel in my eyes. Like Resident Evil
2 for the Game Cube this is also a whopping 50 dollars and this is for a game
that has not aged very well? This is very bad value because the better Resident
Evil and Resident Evil 0 on Game Cube are the same price, and in some cases
RE1 and RE0 are even cheaper then these two newer ones, how sad is that?
*Uncommon GC game
For 1 player only
Rated (M) for Mature
graphics: 3
sound: 3
gameplay: 4
Find Resident Evil 3 on eBay here!
The StarSoldier Game of the Month!
EVIL 4 (Capcom, Janauary
11 2005)
Resident Evil 1 and 0 on the
GC were cool titles but they were hardly groundbreaking and just look at both
Resident Evil 2 and 3, they were not even improved on this powerful system.
With all these disappointing titles imagine my shock when I first popped in
the fun to play and visually stunning Resident Evil 4! Although Leon is one
of the few humans that escaped Raccoon city (Resident Evil 2) he isn't taking
it easy. Leon is on a very dangerous mission to rescue the president's cute
daughter from a remote Europeon village. The best thing about this new RE is
that it plays almost nothing like the previous titles. Gone are the awkward
and annoying controls where you are forced to press up to move, now you move
Leon in multiple directions normally with the analog stick. RE4 has very realistic
graphics, fitting music, and most importantly the game controls very well unlike
most the other games of the series. Resident Evil 4 is a very scary game that
brings back this survivor horror series to its original glory.
For 1 player only
Rated (M) for Mature
graphics: 10
sound: 9
gameplay: 9
Find Resident Evil 4 on eBay here!
90 SONIC ADVENTURE DX (Sega/Sonic Team, 2003)
This game is everything I loved about the original Dreamcast game
and a whole lot more. OK, the graphics are only mildly improved and the camera
is still a big pain in the neck but this 3D action/adventure game is so deep
that this is almost unlimited replay value. One new feature includes a Mission
Mode where you can find special cards that usually have some outrageous request.
You can even earn up to 12 original Game Gear games if you find enough
of those Sonic Medallions. I'm addicted to this one all over again!
For 1 player only
Rated (E) for Everyone
graphics: 8
sound: 9
gameplay: 9
Find Sonic Adventure on eBay here!
When Sonic Mega Collection came out, a lot of gamers were disappointed that Sonic CD wasn't part of the set. Well I guess enough people whined about it because here is yet another Sonic collection. You not only get the graphical impressive Sonic CD with time travelling game play and cool music but you also get the underrated Sega Saturn racing game Sonic R and the totally lame Sonic Fighters. Sega threw in 6 extra Game Gear titles in all their 8-bit glory. Although I liked the first Sonic Gamecube collection better then this one (it's hard to compete with the original Genesis titles) this Gems set still has some good stuff in here besides that lame, watered down Virtua Fighter wanna be.
For 1 or 2 players
Rated (E) for Everyone
graphics: 7
sound: 7
gameplay: 9
Find Sonic Gems Collection on eBay here!
Sega surprises GameCube
owners everywhere with this cool Sonic Mega Collection set. The compilation
includes 7 Sonic themed games that were originally on the popular Sega Genesis
so many diehard Nintendo fans may be new to these 16-bit hits. There are virtually
no changes to the titles so they look kind of dated on the GC but all the games
and bonus material will still keep any Sonic fan happy here.
For 1 or 2 players
Rated (E) for Everyone
graphics: 7
sound: 7
gameplay: 9
Find Sonic Collection on eBay here!
The StarSoldier Game of the Month!
96 SOUL CALIBUR II (Namco, August 26 2003)
All of the three versions
of Soul Calibur II are pretty much the same but the Cube version gets the famous
Nintendo mascot Link from the Legend of Zelda series. Although
this fighting game isn't a huge leap over the last Dreamcast adventure, this
is still a must have title for the Cube because of all the new multiple weapons,
secret characters, and improved depth.
For 1 or 2 players
Rated (T) for Teen
graphics: 9
sound: 9
gameplay: 9
Find Soul Calibur II on eBay here!
36 SPACE RAIDERS (Master games/Taito, April
What would Space Invaders look like if it was fused together with Resident Evil? It
would probably look like this odd game here. The game has some cool simple shooting
action that's very easy to get into but unlimited continues and unoriginal story
makes the main game kind of pointless to play. Rent this if you like but this
isn't the ultimate Space Invaders game we have all been waiting for.
For 1 or 2 players
Rated (E) for Everyone
graphics: 5
sound: 5
gameplay: 4
Find Space Raiders on eBay here!
78 SPIDERMAN 2 (Activision, 2004)
The movie made millions at the theaters and that usually means that
the game is really going to suck anyway. Fortunately, that didn't happen because
Spiderman 2 the game is actually pretty good and fun to play here. In Spiderman you play a conflicted
super hero that can shoot webs and climbs walls with ease but his super powers
also means he must protect New York City from crime while balancing his normal
life as well. What makes Spiderman 2 so much better then the last game is that
you have the entire virtual 3D NYC to explore now. This means you can either
go on various side quests (help citizens from local criminals or other crazy stuff like delivery
pizzas) for cash or you can go on other more important missions so you can prevent
a huge disaster from the evil mastermind Doc Octopus. All this sounds great but Spiderman 2 has its share of problems.
The big complaint I have is that the game is almost too big because it is easy
to get lost or lose something just because it may be up in a building and not
the ground. Still Spiderman 2 is one impressive looking game with actors from
the movie doing the voices plus most importantly the game controls well and
there is lots to do as well since the game is so big.
For 1 player only
Rated (E) for Everyone
graphics: 8
sound: 7
gameplay: 8
Find Spiderman 2 on eBay here!
85 SPLINTER CELL (UBI Soft, May 2002)
Although I may not
be the biggest Metal Gear fan in the world, Splinter Cell just may change
my mind on sneaky action. Sam Fisher has been granted the 5th freedom and this
means he's aloud to do whatever it takes to investigate intelligence or protect
US from terrorists. The controls do take some getting use to but the developers
didn't complex the button layout too much so after a few minutes in the training
game then you're good to go. Every diehard gamer should at least see Splinter
For 1 player only
graphics: 9
sound: 9
gameplay: 9
Find Splinter Cell on eBay here!
71 STAR SOLDIER (Hudson Soft, July 2003)
*Japanese edition
Yes! This is something only a diehard Star Soldier fan like me can really
enjoy! This game here is a remake with some new upgrades of the very first NES
Star Soldier, one of my cult favourites. The game play is very light when compared
to other Star Soldier sequels like Super Star Soldier and Star Soldier
Vanishing Earth. Still this is one intense and very hard shooter with some
cool unlockable features that we shooter freaks can drool over. On a side note:
does anyone out there know if the original NES Star Soldier game is in here?
Most of the game is still in Japanese after all.
For 1 player only
graphics: 5
sound: 6
gameplay: 5
Find Star Soldier on eBay here!
Star Wars REBEL STRIKE: Rogue Squadron III (Lucas Arts/Factor5, September, 2003)
When Rogue Leader first
appeared on the GameCube it won tons of rave reviews and honours for its true
to movies visuals and solid game play so doing a sequel sounds like a no-brainer.
Rebel Strike is a lot like the previous game but now there are new ground missions
to go with all the flying scenes. Unfortunately, these new on-foot scenes don't
feel very realistic since you can take several shots and your hero will not
sell these hits too well plus what is the deal with all these invisable walls?
The new 2 player game is fun and the hidden Arcade titles were a nice bonus
but the overall game doesn't feel like a major sequel.
For 1 or 2 players
Rated (T) for Teen
graphics: 8
sound: 8
gameplay: 8
Find Star Wars Rebel Strike on eBay here!
40 Star Wars REBEL STRIKE: Rogue Squadron
III Demo Disc (Lucas Arts/Factor5, September, 2003)
Normally I would not
review a Demo disc but this non game actually includes a full lenght version
of the 1982 Atari Star Wars Arcade. This older game uses impressive (for its
day of course) 3D colour vector graphics and the first person game play is super
easy to learn but hard to master. It's a fun game but sadly you can not save
your high scores to a memory card and that's means this fun but older game lacks
For 1 player only
graphics: 5
sound: 5
gameplay: 5
Find Star Wars Rebel Strike on eBay here!
85 Star Wars ROGUE LEADER: Rogue Squadron
II (Lucas Arts/Factor5, November 18, 2001)
The sequel to the nice
looking but kind of unfair Nintendo
64 game looks just like the scenes were taking out of the first
three Star Wars movies complete with their actual storylines. This game not
only has sharper graphics and sounds but it also has a more balanced difficulty
than the first game. The only thing missing here is that there is still no multi-player
modes which is the biggest upset. Rogue Leader is still a incredible title however
and it should please any Star Wars fan.
For 1 player only
graphics: 9
sound: 9
gameplay: 8
Find Star Wars Rogue Leader on eBay here!
SUPER MARIO SUNSHINE (Nintendo, August 26, 2002)
Super Mario Sunshine marks
the return of the advance 3D game play that made the first Super
Mario 64 so famous but if your one of those persons who doesn't
want to play the actual same game than worry not Mario fans because this isn't
just another rehash of the old N64 game. Super Mario Sunshine takes place on
a all new island and Mario has a new weapon to fight some invading enemies so there
is more here even if you haven't really wanted another Super Mario 64 title.
Nintendo's Super Mario Sunshine is so huge that it may take months just to see
everything. Sure, the game is very similar too the first Super Mario 64 but
the more the better I say, eh? I must for the Game Cube despite the awkward
camera in certain situations.
For 1 player only
Rated (E) for Everyone
graphics: 9
sound: 7
gameplay: 9
Find Super Mario Sunshine on eBay here!
76 SUPER MONKEY BALL 2 (Sega, December 2002)
Sega's Monkey Ball series makes a return appearance on the Gamecube and
there is even more here to love. The cute monkey's enclose in balls can not
only fight through a 100 plus in the single player but they can also battle
it out in cool multi-player games like Pool, Bowling, Baseball, and tons more!
The constant moving of the monkey and environments got me a little sick and
the goofy story line cinemas look horrible but overall the game is still a winner.
For 1 to 4 players
Rated (E) for Everyone
graphics: 6
sound: 5
gameplay: 9
Find Super Monkey Ball 2 on eBay here!
The StarSoldier Game of the Month!
95 SUPER SMASH BROS. Melee (Nintendo/Hal, December
This is the sequel to the critically acclaimed Nintendo 64 action fighter
Super Smash Brothers, it's still the fun and crazy fighter that most of us all
know and love, but now the GameCube game version is packed with even more fighters,
more one player games, more multi-player options, and tons of cool bonus stuff
too. Don't forgot the graphical and sound improvement thanks to the power of
the Nintendo Game Cube. If you liked the first Smash Bros. then you're going
to love the Gamecube version here! SSBM has almost unlimited replay value thanks
to the loads of secrets like those 290 tropies, hidden battle stages, and more.
Super Smash Bros. Melee is a must for any one with a GC and especially anybody
who's a diehard Nintendo fan.
For 1 to 4 players
Rated (E) for Everyone
graphics: 9
sound: 9
gameplay: 9
Find Super Smash Bros. Melee on eBay here!
GameCube reviews
T to Z > >
All reviews are by StarSoldier1 unless noted.