Down and Dirty Reviews: Nintendo 64 -- A - M |
love my N64, and I still have a lot of games for it. Please don't
be too angry by some of these reviews though. I don't like most
First Person Shooters (FPS) but I like most normal Shooters (Spaceships
and stuff). Also there won't be a lot of sports games in either.
These are just my opinions, you may have different taste or something.
The scores are out of 100. The graphics, sounds, and game play are out of 10. |
71 1080 SNOWBOARDING (Nintendo,
May 1998)
1080 here plays just like Nintendo's earlier Wave Race 64 but only
on the snow instead of the water this time of course. It's OK but it's nothing
too special and doesn't really move fast enough for a snow boarding game so it
lacks any real intensity plus you also have to be careful how you land as well
since the game doesn't automatic do it for you like in other titles like Cool Boarders. The game
is still very fun to play with a lot alternate routes and solid controls.
*Battery back up game
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 7
sound: 8
gameplay: 8
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Going by the name alone it may sound like a really cool game but Aero Fighters Assault here is a very slow and painful 3D flight shooter in the not so distance
future. The graphics are plain, the music is just average, and the game play is so dull that makes me wish I was playing the old Sega
hit After Burner instead.
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 4
sound: 5
gameplay: 4
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40 AERO GAUGE (1998)
This plays like the racing game series Wipeout, but here you can drive in the
air a bit higher since it's more of a hovercraft. The game would have been better if there wasn't so much pop
up graphics in the background so certain parts of the track can sneak up on players. Don't worry though because the game is super easy and you'll blow through it in no time. Aero Gauge
is a very average racer overall that lacks any kind of replay value.
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 6
sound: 5
gameplay: 5
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27 AIDYN CHRONICLES: The First Mage (THQ/H2O, April 2001)
This is one darn ugly looking RPG with some boring exploring
across a huge but uninteresting landscape and the confusing menus don't help either. Don't believe any of the hype behind this game as being
the only true N64 RPG, play Paper Mario or Quest 64 (two actually
good RPGs) instead of this piece of crap.
*Uncommon N64 game
For 1 player only
graphics: 2
sound: 6
gameplay: 5
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BANJO KAZOOIE (Nintendo/Rare, July 1998)
Banjo Kazooie may be a pretty odd name but it's definitely one of the better
3D adventure games on the N64 plus it comes packed with some amazing graphics
too. In the game you control a bear with a aggressive bird in his back pack
as he tries to rescue his younger sister from a evil witch. If you forget about
the strange story you'll notice how tight the controls are and gaining new abilities
over the course of the adventure is fun too. The only downside is the corny
music and the game's overall short length. It's still a great 128 meg game that
Super Mario 64
fans are going to love.
*Battery back up game
For 1 player only
graphics: 9
sound: 6
gameplay: 8
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BANJO TOOIE (Nintendo/Rare, November 2000)
Still more of what I love. Just like the name says Banjo Tooie is the big sequel to Banjo Kazooie and it is still a fully 3D action/adventure game like the original but now Banjo and Kazooie can even be separated this time
and there are loads of different transformations the heroes can morph into as well.
Some of the features are a little over the top and overall the game is a big collection hunt but Banjo Tooie is still a fun
*Battery back up game
For 1 to 4 players
Rated (E) for Everyone
graphics: 9
sound: 7
gameplay: 9
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BATMAN BEYOND (UBI soft, 2000)
Although I liked the dark cartoon show based on the futurist line of comics here,
I absolutely hated the game. Batman Beyond is 'you guessed it' a weak Final Fight clone where you fight a nearly amount of underpaid goons over and over again. You wanna know what's even
worse; you can't even save any of your scores, process, or anything for that
For 1 player only
graphics: 4
sound: 3
gameplay: 2
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This impressive racer copies a little from the Rush series and Mario
Kart too but that's a pretty good mix if you ask me. This racer features
six different tracks with loads of short cuts and secrets to discover across
some dangerous looking landscapes. Beetle Adventure Racing is short and some of the music got on my nerves but overall it's very fun yet very
challenging at the same time.
*Rumble Pak compatible
*Gamepak needed to save
For 1 to 4 players
graphics: 7
sound: 7
gameplay: 8
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49 BIO FREAKS (Midway, 1998)
Great, yet another one on one fighting game from Midway (sorry, maybe I'm a little jaded after playing kinda average quarter sucker ports like Mortal Kombat 4, Mace, and War Gods on this system too). In Bio Freaks you control one of eight nutjobs like a giant mutant dragon with a massive ball and chain, a killer clown, even a hot girl wearing next to nothing in a death battle. Each weirdo is duking it out for control of Neo Amerika and these fighters have the ability to fly, use shields, and even regrow limbs after they been thorned off. It all sounds cool on paper and the game started out fun at first but the action wears thin after a couple of bouts since using cheap projectile attacks ends the battles too quickly and there are not too many play options here other then the basic Arcade mode.
For 1 or 2 players
Rated (M) for Mature
graphics: 7
sound: 6
gameplay: 5
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69 BLAST CORPS (Nintendo/Rare, April 1997)
In this unique action game here you must guide a nuclear missile down a safe path
and you can do almost anything you want even if it means you have to destroy
towns with all sorts of vehicles in the way. Some may be turned off by the weird concept
but it's still a interesting action game that can be fun to play.
*Battery back up game
For 1 player only
graphics: 7
sound: 6
gameplay: 8
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60 BOMBERMAN 64 (Nintendo/Hudson, December 1997)
This all new and all 3D Bomberman has a more brainy
one player mode where you solve different puzzles and collect items plus it also includes a rather confusing multi-player game where you fight other dudes in more open fields compared to the classic games. It's not prefect especially
in terms of frame rates and controls but it still had its good moments.
For 1 to 4 players
graphics: 6
sound: 7
gameplay: 5
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45 BOMBERMAN HERO (Nintendo/Hudson, 1998)
"There's no multi-player mode
here!" What the hell, this is a Bomberman game, right?! Now the game is just your typical 3D, second rate Super Mario 64 platformer where you bomb stuff and that's it. Oh, why does your hero sound like a five year old girl here? Just forget about the overly generic
Bomberman Hero, the last Nintendo 64 Bomberman was way better anyway.
For 1 player only
graphics: 5
sound: 5
gameplay: 5
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65 BUST A MOVE 2 (Acclaim/Taito, 1998)
There are not many puzzle games for the 64 here but hey, we got two Bust A Move titles at least, eh? If you don't know these games you help Bub and Bob from those Bubble Bobble games try to match coloured pieces to help them clear the board and earn points while being careful of the pieces don't touch the bottom. This version is exactly the same as the Playstation and Saturn editions even though this one was released a year afterwards. Still a fun game with a lot of modes but the entire thing is in 2D so none of the limits of the N64 are being pushed and I won't be busting any moves here for joy.
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 5
sound: 6
gameplay: 5
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BUST A MOVE '99 (Acclaim/Taito, 1999)
In the last N64 edition of
Bust a Move, there are tons of cool new features to keep gamers busy even though
the bubble popping game play is the same. You know the deal, move a target on the bottom of the screen and try to match up colours of the same type to help clear the board in the time limit. Easily the best new feature is the brand
new exclusive 4 player death contests that are stranglely enough only in this version of Bust a Move. It's
hard to get tired of this one thanks to all the modes plus it's fairly uncommon
for you collectors out there too.
*Uncommon N64 game
*Gamepak needed to save
For 1 to 4 players
Rated (E) for Everyone
graphics: 6
sound: 7
gameplay: 9
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42 CALIFORNIA SPEED (Midway/Atari Games, 1999)
Imagine racing games like Cruisn USA and Rush 2 but with more track design and less features. Although the fast tracks can be fun for a bit, the many sexy girls were taken out from the arcade original and the overall graphic and sound package just feels weak.
*Gamepak needed to save
For 1 to 2 players
Rated (T) for Teen
graphics: 5
sound: 5
gameplay: 4
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76 CASTLEVANIA (Konami, January 1999)
Here is the first ever CastleVania game in
3D and if you're a true hardcore fan of the horror series than you don't want
to miss this one game. After another 100 years of enforced sleep, Count
Dracula is ready to raise again in the middle of the 19th century and only two
warriors dare enter the house of horrors to try and stop him. In both missions
you have to travel across ten different levels (levels 4, 6, and 7 differ between
the characters) in either the day or the night. Despite the somewhat boring
first level, the game easily becomes more in depth level by level, plus there
are two characters to choose from and each adventure is differs with two endings
for each. After I finished the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, CastleVania
was the next great game I played. I personally think this game was way better
than other horror games like Resident Evil in my opinion because of the
better control and storyline too. CastleVania is a very deep action game and
a great choice for adventure seekers who have an N64.
*Gamepak needed to save
For 1 player only
Rated (T) for Teen
graphics: 8
sound: 8
gameplay: 7
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87 CASTLEVANIA: Legacy of Darkness (Konami,
December 1999)
I don't care what they say, I love to play the N64 CastleVanias
and this game is actually in my N64 top ten! Although this CastleVania is a
lot like the older one, Legacy of Darkness has a all new storyline, 4 playable
character now, plus there is more secrets to unlock this time then ever before.
LOD has a lot of action and horror for fans of this classic series. If you manage
to finish the game, the game doesn't end, you now have the option to play as
a older Henry. The interesting thing about his rescue mission is his weapon:
a gun! CastleVania LOD even lets you play as Reinhardt and Carrie so it like
you're getting the first CastleVania 64 for free. That really increases the
replay value. "CastleVania LOD is a even deeper action game and a great
choice for adventure seekers who have an N64." Better than the first one
for the N64 overall and a must for Castlevania fans.
*Uncommon N64 game
*Gamepak needed to save
*Ram pak compatible
For 1 player only
Rated (T) Teen
graphics: 8
sound: 8
gameplay: 8
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68 CHEF'S LUV SHACK (Acclaim, 1999)
Chef from South Park fame has a cool game show
game that comes packed with immature mature material. The idea is simple because
you just answer South Park theme questions and try to score the most points in a limited amount of turns. The game really is pointless
in the one player mode but get a few friends over and give it a shot cause this is still the best version of Luv Shack because
of the lack of load times. I love the Donkey Kong and Asteroids
clones in the mini games here as well.
For 1 to 4 players
Rated (M) for Mature
graphics: 6
sound: 8
gameplay: 5
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53 CLAYFIGHTER 63 1/3 (Interplay, September, 1997)
Oh boy, I was dreading this one. Clayfighter 63 and a third had some promise in development because not only were the other fighting games in the series fairly decent but the new clay characters themselves looked amazing thanks to their excellent level of detail and there were over 15 characters in the works as well. In the end though a lot of the characters had to be cut out thanks to limited cartridge space and if that wasn't bad enough the graphics look extremely blurry and heavily compressed in the finished product. So we got 9 playable brawlers with 3 secret ones and that's it. Clayfighter has a cool combo system and there are lot of move per fighter too but the weak animation, lame strerotypes, and lack of save feature kill the replay value here.
For 1 or 2 players
Rated (T) for Teen
graphics: 3
sound: 5
gameplay: 6
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59 CLAYFIGHTER Sculptor's Cut (Interplay/Blockbuster, 1998)
Because the original Clayfighter 63 1/3 had a lot of characters taken out of the final game due to memory restains, Interplay decided to release this unique upgrade here. You still get the original 12 fighters from the last game but now there are 4 new brawlers joining the line up like Lockjaw (a weird mutant attack dog), Lady Liberty (a statue of liberty with big muscles), a odd group of kids that attack at once and High Five
(a gloss looking disimbodied giant hand). Now this is the much better title overall thanks to the extra content like the opening song that actually explains the game's storyline and the additional characters really add more depth to the game play too. However, the animation is still very weak in spots and the blurry visuals are still an eyesore plus I should also mention that this game may be the most difficult to find of the 296 N64 games released since Sculptor's Cup was a BlockBuster exclusive and wasn't sold in typical game stores. That means good luck tracking this slightly above average 2D brawler down.
*Extremely Rare N64 game!!
For 1 or 2 players
Rated (T) for Teen
graphics: 3
sound: 5
gameplay: 6
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97 CONKER'S BAD FUR DAY (Nintendo/Rareware,
March 6, 2001)
Finally, a 3D platformer for the adults who don't mind some cheap potty humour. This
game is very similar to Super Mario 64 and the Banjo series, but
this game has lots of blood, foul language, and bodily fluids so it is unlike
any Nintendo game before it. In the game you help the foul mouthed Conker through 9 different
levels to avoid becoming a table post for an giant purple milk drinking panther
who doesn't want his milk to spill.........OK? The camera can be a pain in certain
areas and the frame rate is a little sluggish here as well but it's easily one of
the best game I played in 2001. This game has many great and funny multiple
player games too so there is a lot here. Buy it!
*Battery back up game
*Uncommon N64 game
For 1 to 4 players
Rated (M) for Mature
graphics: 9 ............... offensive!
sound: 9 ................ loads of voices, the most in any other N64 game.
gameplay: 9 .............. kinda short and easy in some places but I love all
the movie (Matrix, Jaws, and others) scenes.
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63 CRUISIN' The USA (Midway/Nintendo, November 1996)
Cruisin' the USA here is a very standard 64 meg arcade
racer (the game actually became very popular in the arcades first) with some nice semi-realistic graphics and rather easy game play. Yeah, this racing game can
be laughable to some especially with it's chessy visuals (although the girls look pretty damn hot) but it's a fun game for kids or novices thanks to the easy to master controls.
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 7
sound: 6
gameplay: 4
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40 CRUISIN' The WORLD (Midway, July 1988)
This 'World' sequel is a lot like the first Cruisin'
USA game but now there is this patched on gimmick of the different worldly theme stages instead of just the States. The game play remains the same and I really got bored with this one only after a few tracks. Cruisin'
The World is a very standard racer and it's just way
too easy to be enjoyable and even addictive.
For 1 to 4 players
graphics: 5
sound: 6
gameplay: 4
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46 DARK RIFT (Vic Tokai, 1997)
This simple hack n' slash arcade fighter comes with some good graphics and 8
selectable fighters but this game adds nothing new to the one on one genre at all. OK, just like almost every other beat em up on the market you can pick from a range of underdressed girls to heavy monsters and then fight it out to become the new champion or whatever. The
replay value is certainly limited too so the game is better suited for two player
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 7
sound: 7
gameplay: 4
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DEADLY ARTS (Konami, August 1999)
Here is an original fighting game with a cool create a player game and 8 characters
to learn moves from. The controls definitely take some getting use to and some
moves are almost impossible to put off but it's no biggie if you have a 8 way
digital pad Controller. Deadly
Arts may be hard to master and the visuals suffer from a poor frame rate but it still can be fun and something different at least.
Pak compatible
*Gamepak needed to save
For 1 or 2 players
Rated (T) for Teen
graphics: 6
sound: 8
gameplay: 8
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The N64 version of the Playstation game is
still fairly fun as far as racers go but it's way too easy especially in the single player campaign. Destruction Derby 64 is
great for multi-player action since you can try to the other drivers into bits but you have to get past the weak frame rates and fuzzy
graphics first.
needed to save
1 to 4 players
graphics: 7
sound: 6
gameplay: 7
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DIDDY KONG RACING (Nintendo/Rare, December 1997)
Here is another Mario Kart 64 type of
game but this game comes with a cool new quest mode. Diddy Kong Racing is a
great 128 meg (the first game of that size for the N64) game that has very cute
graphics and sounds but you should still give it a chance despite that. It's
quite challenging for it's target audience too.
back up game
Pak compatible
*Gamepak compatible
For 1 to 4 players
Rated (E) for Everyone
graphics: 7
sound: 5
gameplay: 9
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84 DONKEY KONG 64 (Nintendo/Rare, December 1999)
Here is a game that few people even knew existed before it was released during
the big holiday season of 1999. Donkey Kong 64 was Nintendo's big surprise replacement
since Nintendo/Rare's Goldeneye sequel Perfect Dark got delayed
to Spring 2000, something that displeased thousands of hardcore fans of course but hey, it's a new DK so all is forgiven (at least for me).
Some people liked this big 3D action/adventure game and some people didn't.
There is a lot more stuff to do than Super Mario 64 or Banjo Kazooie
before it, so Donkey Kong 64 should keep you busy for a while, plus the original
1981 Donkey Kong arcade game is in here too, complete with all four levels.
It's way too easy to get lost in this huge 256 meg game though but you still
shouldn't miss it since DK64 has so much to offer.
*Battery back up game
For 1 to 4 players
Rated (E) for Everyone
graphics: 8
sound: 6
gameplay: 10
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65 DOOM 64 (Midway, April 1997)
It's still Doom, love it or
hate it. You're a lone human soldier trying to survive an army from the depths of hell in this infamous first person shooter. The graphics have finally been upgraded to take advantage of the N64's
graphical abilities but the characters are done in 2D sprites so the looks are
not perfect. I would have rated this higher but Doom should not be a one player
only game, even if this does look better than the Jaguar version.
For 1 player only
graphics: 7
sound: 6
gameplay: 4 .......... "one new weapon!" woooWW!
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60 DR. MARIO 64 (Nintendo, April 2001)
Dr. Mario is back and the big question is why? Sure, the first Dr. Mario game
was fun back when the Ace of Base group was cool but did anybody really want a sequel
to Dr. Mario in the first place, especially on the all powerful N64? I wanted
a sequel to Super Mario
64 and not another puzzle game originally from the NES era. It's
not bad for it's original $40 Canadian price but I would rent it first and try it out on some friends
before you lay down that kind of cash (that's still a lot of money, eh?). There's
nothing new here but if you're a puzzle fan or you're a fan of the old game
it's still a safe, if unoriginal bet.
*Battery back up game
For 1 to 4 players
Rated (E) for Everyone
graphics: 3
sound: 3
gameplay: 7
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38 DUAL HEROES (Electro Brain/Hudson Soft, 1999)
Here is yet another mindless Virtua Fighter clone with horrible controls,
pointless modes, and boring fighting. The A.I. can be so bad that it's possible to win with the same move over and over. Dual Heroes may have some serious problems
but the graphics are passable at least but that alone isn't going to save it
from mediocrity.
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 6
sound: 4
gameplay: 2
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56 DUKE NUKEM 64 (GT Interactive, 1997)
Cool, this Duke Nukem game sounds like it could be interesting,
eh? The hero here is a cocky and horny madman who shoots first and asked questions
later. So how was the game itself? For a first person shooter, the levels were way
too long, and the action wasn't very consistent and even the jokes are really
pointless after you heard all the cheesy one liners. Of course the PC version is superior as well since it has more of the fun stuff like strippers and nastier language.
For 1 to 4 players
graphics: 6
sound: 6
gameplay: 5
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3D (Rockstar Games, 2000)
Earthworm Jim finally returns
to the world of gaming and he is even done in 3D this time. The camera really
acts up in some levels but it's still a very fun action game with an original
storyline as Jim has to save his own mind after getting knocked out after a cow lands on his head. Earthworm Jim 3D is a decent enough game for fans of the series since it still has a lot of crazy humour in it but with it's overly long levels and some lame bosses the game is far from perfect.
*Battery back up game
For 1 player only
graphics: 7
sound: 8
gameplay: 7
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44 ECW Hardcore Revolution (Acclaim, 1999)
If you played WWF Attitude before then you also played this. ECW is famous for it's all hardcore style action (before the show was cancelled in 2001)
and after Acclaim lost the WWF license they picked up this company. There are tons of wrestlers like Rob Van Dam and Tommy Dreamer here but the animation is about as weak and the game's awful collision detection.
*Gamepak needed
to save
For 1 to 4 players
graphics: 5
sound: 5
gameplay: 3
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82 EXTREME G (Acclaim, 1997)
If you are sick of the standard racing games out there then check this one out. In Extreme G you get to command a high speed light cycle and then race across several dangerous tracks filled with pits and even twisting paths. The game is a very similar Wipeout clone that's sometimes is even better than
that game in my opinion especially in terms of speed. It can be hard to control at the game's super quick
pace of it all but it's better than the XG2 (Extreme G2) sequel.
*Gamepak needed
to save
For 1 to 4 players
graphics: 8
sound: 8
gameplay: 8
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71 FIGHTER DESTINY 2 (Southpeak/Genki, 2000)
Other than a slight misspelling of the original name, it's the same fighting
game from a few years ago and man is it showing its age. Like before this is a one on one fighter and you win each bout by scoring more points then your opponent. Some of the newer characters
look really goofy like the out of place showgirl and some strongman with purple skin plus the series still has some extremely blocky polygon visuals so none of the fighters even appear that well here. There a new board game style is kinda interesting if a bit slow to play through but other then that nothing hasn't changed much in three years so don't
expect a Virtua Fighter killer here. Still a good game because of the
cool point system but I liked the first one better.
*Uncommon N64 game
For 1 or 2 players
Rated (T) for Teen
graphics: 6
sound: 6
gameplay: 8
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76 FIGHTER'S DESTINY (Ocean/Genki, 1997)
This game here is a original tournament style fighting game that can be hard to control
at times but the point system idea is very cool, and a breath of fresh air for
the fighting industry. The rules are simple; the first combatant to score 7 points is the winner and you earn these points by ring outs, throws, knockdowns, and more. Also certain strikes like charge attacks be worth as much as 3 points if it connects. Sure, the graphics are a little rough around the edges but Fighter's Destiny is a fun game that can be very addictive
once learned.
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 7
sound: 8
gameplay: 9
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66 FIGHTING FORCE 64 (Crave Entertainment/Core/Eidos, 2000)
After being released on the Playstation this 3D beat em up arrives on the N64... nearly 2 years
afterwards. Anyway in this game a group of four are on a mission to stop a madman named Zeng and his massive empire. You can punch and kick your way through hordes of enemies just like in Streets of Rage or Final Fight plus like those games you can pick up various weapons to help gain an edge. The action can get very repetitive thanks to a lot of similar baddies here but the game is loaded with cool moves and interactive stages so Fighting Force 64 may surprise you.
For 1 or 2 players
Rated (T) for Teen
graphics: 7
sound: 6
gameplay: 7
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FLYING DRAGON (Natsume/Culture Brain, 1998)
The Flying Dragon series has been around for years and now it comes to the
Nintendo 64. Although I was never a huge fan of the past games, like most people,
but this game was fairly entertaining because of the nice RPG elements. One game is a Virtua Fighter/Tekken like game with 8 realistic looking
characters and the other mode is more of a cute RPG/fighting quest for items.
The frame rate lags a little on both games but this one additive fighter once
learned. Try it and see if you agree?
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 6
sound: 5
gameplay: 9
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85 F ZERO X (Nintendo/EAD, 1998)
F Zero returns and it is as
fast has ever! The game runs at a super smooth 60 frames per second and there
can be up to 30 hovercrafts on screen at once which looks amazing. The downside to F Zero X is there is tons of fog and that
you just race the whole time. Also there are no weapons or hidden short cuts like
in Wipe Out or Rush 2. It's still very intense and very fun with it's incredible scene of speed.
back up game
For 1 to 4 players
Rated (E) for Everyone
graphics: 6
sound: 8
gameplay: 7
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The secend Mystical Ninja game for the N64 actually plays like the old 2D 16-bit version and that's isn't a bad thing in my opinion. The towns
are still boring as hell like in the first Mystical Ninja on N64 but it's nice
to have the game back in action and the two player co-op mode also returns. Goemon's Great Adventure is a good sequel for fans but the original Snes had more game play options.
*Uncommon N64 game
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 7
sound: 6
gameplay: 7
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GOLDENEYE (Nintendo/Rare, September 1997)
Here is one of the N64's biggest hits and it was even better than the actual
paint by the numbers movie it was based on believe it or not. Goldeneye is not
your typical First Person Shooter here. Instead of controlling the usual steroid
using madman looking for demon blood; you control the highly trained secret
agent James Bond (played by none other then Pierce Bodman) complete with
some of the most sophisticated weapons and gargets in the world. The game also
comes with some excellent graphics and sounds but where are the maps so you
know where you're going here? This game also has a fun series of multi-player
games but playing too much of this game hurts my eyes a bit. It should be noted
I don't think Nintendo will be upgrading this game to their newer consoles so
it should remind an N64 exclusive. Overall Goldeneye has great use of the movie
license and there has yet to be a better James Bond game out there in my opinion.
*Battery back up game
For 1 to 4 players
Rated (T) for Teen
graphics: 9
sound: 9
gameplay: 9
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33 GT RACING (Kemco, 1998)
This is what Gran Turismo would be like with all the life completely sucked out of it. The game is really just your typical racing game and should
only be purchased if you want a overly serious racer with some decent graphics. Just be prepared for limited sounds, no background music during game play, and very boring racing tracks.
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 7
sound: 4
gameplay: 5
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67 GAUNTLET LEGENDS (Midway/Atari, 1999)
Gauntlet finally makes its long awaited return to the video game scene and in
this cool action/RPG game four warriors must do battle with a powerful unleashed
demon and his army. The game itself can be too hard sometimes because of all the enemies
on screen, so it's a good idea to get some friends here for help out. Overall the
game is good if you like the original but constant button mashing and repetitive
action may annoy some players so try before you buy.
For 1 to 4 players
graphics: 8
sound: 7
gameplay: 8
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60 HARVEST MOON 64 (Natsume, October
Here is an unique farm based RPG where you play as a young man who gets this place after a relative bites it. The game is packed with tons of town's folk, animals, items, and even little girls to interact with
here but there are tons of chores too if you like that sort of crap. Needless to say that this farming game is not for everybody
and Harvest Moon's 64-bit graphics look absolutely pathetic as well.
*Uncommon N64 game
For 1 player only
graphics: 2
sound: 4
gameplay: 8
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28 HEXEN 64 (GT Interactive, 1997)
In this game you wander around in very crappy looking Doom-like dungeons
with out of date sprite based looking enemies. None of the advanced N64's anti
asling was used and even the frame rate blows. The game play isn't too bad but
the controls are not the most user friendly so I would still leave it in the discount bins where it belongs.
*Gamepak needed to save
For 1 to 4 players
graphics: 2
sound: 2
gameplay: 4
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Total Recall Dud of the Month!
(Nintendo/Game Freak, December 10, 2000)
Nintendo was resting on a
huge gold mine after those original twin Pokemon games on the old Black and
White Gameboy made a gigantic splash in the North American market in
the late 90's. It was clear if Nintendo was going release any game for their
N64 system that it would have to be something special. The microphone accessory
was a original concept and all but Nintendo waited far too long to bring this
over to the North American audience because Seaman for the Dreamcast
was actually released over here before this game was and there was far more
that a player could do in Seaman than in Hey You Pikachu. This was the first
and last N64 microphone on the Nintendo 64 and with good reason.
*N64 Microphone needed to play
*Battery back up game
For 1 player only
Rated (E) for Everyone
graphics: 4
sound: 3
gameplay: 0
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51 JEOPARDY (Gametek, 1997)
This popular game show turned video game is now on the Nintendo 64 and although
you would think this cool on the all mighty N64, its not without its faults.
The game's main problem is that it's too slow to input your answers and the questions are really lame
as well. Buy this Jeopardy game with caution.
For 1 to 3 players
graphics: 6
sound: 6
gameplay: 4
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65 JET FORCE GEMINI (Nintendo/Rare, 1999)
This N64 exclusive is a nice
little action game in space but I didn't like the slightly confusing 3D game
play especially with that weird aiming system. Anyway in this game there are three heroes (a young man, his sister, and a dog) on a mission to save a
planet from an aggressive alien invasion. You have to put up with a standard
action game first but the game can be fun at times.
*Battery back up game
1 to 4 players
graphics: 8
sound: 7
gameplay: 8
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62 KILLER INSTINCT GOLD (Rare, November 1996)
Killer Instinct Gold is a slight upgrade (or downgrade
considering how you look at it) of the kind of popular Killer Instinct 2 from
the arcades. KI Gold has brand new Team and Training modes to add some variety here but it's also missing some frames of animation from the arcade
game. It's still a good 2D 96 meg fighting game
with a lot moves and techniques to master but it's hard to play this game on the
standard N64 controller though because the digital pad doesn't response to the 8 way directions too well so
searching around for another controller isn't a bad idea.
1 or 2 players
graphics: 7
sound: 8
gameplay: 8
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70 KIRBY 64 The Crystal Shards (Nintendo/Hal, July 2000)
Yes, it's cool to see Kirby back again!"
Being a huge fan of Kirby's Super Star and Kirby's Dream Land 3
(both on the ol' Super Nintendo) I was curious to see what this N64 game
was like. The Kirby games have never been hard by any means but they were always fun
and this game is no exception. In this title Kirby and his friends are trying to help a girl find all her planets crystal shards in order to stop an evil alien invasion. Kirby 64 is a simple but fun little 256 meg platformer
that's way too short and easy for its own good but it's definitely playable. Sure it's basic but the
cool multi-players modes can add a bit of replay value to a rather easy game.
*Battery back up game
For 1 to 4 players
Rated (E) for Everyone
graphics: 7
sound: 7
gameplay: 8
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KNIFE EDGE (Kemco, 1998)
Sure, Knife Edge may sound like a good name for anyone looking for mutare themed
action but sadly, this game is anything but. Knife Edge is actually a very linear and stupid
light gun style based game where you blast crap but here's the kicker; this is on the Nintendo 64 so there is no light gun to support it. "OK, why!?"
For 1 player only
graphics: 6
sound: 5
gameplay: 1
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StarSoldier's Game of
the Month Collection!
OF ZELDA: Majora's Mask (Nintendo, October 26 2000)
the 72 hour thing can get a little annoying especially when you're deep inside
a dungeon and you want to continue
exploring but you're almost out of time. There is nothing quite like Majora's
Mask and you have to take the good with the bad, but fortunately the good definitely
out weight the bad! It's a darker, sadder, and more stressful (but in a good
way) game then the last one and it's another Legend of Zelda so you really can't
go wrong here. "A smart purchase for anybody looking for a great adventure!"
*Rumble Pak compatible
*Battery back up game
For 1 player only
Rated (E) for Everyone
graphics: 8
sound: 9
gameplay: 10
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96 LEGEND of ZELDA: Ocarina of Time (Nintendo, November 24 1998)
The land of Hyrule returns
and wait till you see it now! In this 3D game your hero Link must now travel
through time to save his land from a powerful madman bend on its destruction.
Some parts of the game are either too hard or too easy plus there is little
to do after the game is all done, but these are the only things that kept me
from giving this game a perfect score. The game is so big and so interactive
that it should take about a good month to fully finish. Legend of Zelda 64 is
a awesome 256 meg (the first 256 meg game for the N64 btw) action/adventure
game and it is perhaps
the ultimate action RPG.
*Battery back up game
*Rumble Pak compatible
For 1 player only
Rated (E) for Everyone
graphics: 9
sound: 9
gameplay: 9
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63 MACE: The Dark Ages (Midway/Atari, 1997)
This arcade beat em up is almost like a 3D Mortal Kombat but all the
fighters carry weapons to their fights and the game is placed in a 13th century medieval setting.
Mace would have been a bigger hit if there was more moves and options like a
Soul Calibur would but I did like the very dark story lines and the interactive
backgrounds though.
For 1 or 2 players
Rated (M) for Mature
graphics: 8
sound: 7
gameplay: 6
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Recall Dud of the Month!
TETRIS CHALLENGE (Capcom, January 1999)
How good is Magical Tetris Challenge? Well, not only is this another Tetris
game we don't need (the New Tetris was released later in that year on
the N64 by the way and it was far better than this) but you can tell that Capcom
really didn't place a lot of effort in this one despite the Disney and Tetris
licenses. Maybe this game is good as a quick rental for kids or anybody else
whose curious but since there's no battery save or gamepak options, what's the
point of playing if you can't keep your high scores!? Magical Tetris Challenge
may have been passable 10 years ago but in this day and age we need more than
just cute graphics and novelty game play.
For 1 or 2 players
Rated (E) for Everyone
graphics: 4
sound: 2
gameplay: 4
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StarSoldier's Game of the Month Collection!
85 MARIO KART 64 (Nintendo,
It's the big sequel to the SNES classic. In Mario Kart 64 you control one of
eight Nintendo characters and then you compete in a go-kart racing grand prix.
The computer cheats at times but it's still a pretty fun racing game much like
the Super Nintendo original but now there is no split screen graphics
in the one player games which I like. The game is especially fun in the new
2 to 4 multi-player modes here.
*Battery back up game
For 1 or 4 players
Rated (K-A) for Kids to Adults
graphics: 8
sound: 8
gameplay: 8
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77 MARIO PARTY (Nintendo/Hudson Soft, January
a Mario style broad game, a good game for parties but it is not for the hardcore
action platform fans out there looking for another Super
Mario 64 game. Although the idea of buying a video board game sounds like a lame way to spend a few bucks, Mario Party comes packed with lots of different challenges and over 50 unique mini games. Now everybody seems to be copying this game thanks
to it's high sales and popularity although few are good as the original here.
back up game
*Rumble Pak compatible
1 to 4 players
(E) for Everyone
graphics: 6
sound: 5
gameplay: 5
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70 MARIO PARTY 2 (Nintendo/Hudson Soft, January 2000)
sequel to 1999's surprise hit has some nice improvements over the first Mario
Party like new items, new mini games, and of course different game boards. Like before you move around famous Nintendo characters around cute looking stages with dice rolls and the person with the most stars and coins is the winner. Its nothing
too major in terms of improvements but it's still good for parties of four still.
*Battery back up game
*Rumble Pak compatible
For 1 to 4 players
Rated (E) for Everyone
graphics: 6
sound: 5
gameplay: 6
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70 MICRO MACHINES 64 TURBO (Midway/Codemasters,
Just like the classic versions Micro Machines is a very fast and very chaotic overhead racer with a very unique
8 player option if the other players don't mind using the other half of the
controller(s) with you. Sure, the game isn't much to look at but if you love the original then
you'll like this too.
*Gamepak needed to save
For 1 to 8 players
graphics: 5
sound: 6
gameplay: 8
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64 MISCHIEF MAKERS (Nintendo/Enix, 1997)
In this very weird action game you play a hard to control robot maid in search for
your stolen professor that was kidnapped by the Mischief Makers. This is a good 2D action game with some decent graphics and audio too but it can be a lot of more fun if the touchy controls
didn't drive me nuts sometimes.
For 1 player only
graphics: 7
sound: 6
gameplay: 6
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83 MS. PAC MAN Maze Madness (Namco/Mass Media, November 2000)
"Whoa, this game surprisingly
rocks!" Ms. Pac Man, the original queen of video games, makes her big return
in this 3D puzzle/adventure style game. Plus if that wasn't enough this game
also has the original Ms. Pac Man 1982 arcade game too, which is perfect for
all the people looking one of the greats from the past. Ms. Pac Man's mission
is to search though several levels to find four crystals and rescue a stolen
princess. You just have to use the Cross Pad throughout the whole game and the
other buttons are hardly touched, making for a easy to get into experience.
The graphics are nothing special and the looks are noticable worse on the N64
when compared to the Dreamcast version but with smart puzzles and the
traditional overhead view make this Ms. Pac Man game a real winner for players
of all ages.
*Rumble Pak compatible
*Memory Pak needed to save
For 1 to 4 players
Rated (E) for Everyone
graphics: 6
sound: 5
gameplay: 7
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68 MORTAL KOMBAT 4 (Midway, 1998)
is a near perfect arcade translation that has some fun action lets face facts
but the doesn't last all too long. There are now 15 different fighters here like the returning Lui Kang and Sonya plus you also have new comers like Reiko and Tanya. The big change about this MK is that it is fully 3D now and the characters all have weapons as well. Sadly, the game doesn't feel too revolutionry since there are not too many moves and the animations look pretty cheesy. Mortal Kombat 4 is a great rental and the
N64 version is better than the questionable Playstation game if only by a bit.
*Rumble Pak compatible
For 1 or 2 players
Rated (M) for Mature
graphics: 8
sound: 6
gameplay: 5
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Although this game includes a lot of characters from the original 3 Mortal Kombat titles, the list isn't quite as impressive as the Playstation and Saturn releases because the limits of cartridge space. Still there are over 20 fighters here and the action is just as intense as ever. It's still the same old one on one arcade style fighting game but now there are multiple tag modes and a new Aggressive meter that makes you go even faster. If you loved the past games you'll like this too but there isn't a lot new here either so it's not all kool.
For 1 to 4 players
Rated (M) for Mature
graphics: 6
sound: 7
gameplay: 7
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remember this one?!" Multi Racing Championship here has a very limited set of tracks and the vehicles can be hard to control
at times too but it's still kind of fun to play because it both looks and sounds
fairly real thanks to the detail on the trucks and different engine sounds. You could do worse but you can also do a lot better.
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 7
sound: 6
gameplay: 6
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65 MYSTICAL NINJA: Starring Goemon (Konami, 1997)
This is a fairly
fun 3D action title starring that wacky Japanese dude dude with the pineapple like head. The game actually plays fine in the outside worlds where you get beat up a whole bunch of thugs and nutjobs, but where it really drags is on in the completely boring
town areas. I actually liked the Super NES game better because there was more to do
thanks to all those cool mini games.
*Gamepak needed to save
For 1 player only
graphics: 7
sound: 7
gameplay: 7
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