Nintendo says that this system is still alive, but we haven't seen a new
game since Frogger in 1998. Oh well, there's still a huge
collection of SNES games here and a lot of goods
ones too. Choose wisely now.
N - S The scores are out of 100. The graphics, sounds, and game play are out of 10. |
70 NBA JAM (Acclaim/Midway,
Here is the original and fully licensed two on two basketball game that became famous for it's
great fast arcade-like action, digital graphics, and excellent controls. It may not be very realistic
especially when the ball catches on fire but the action is still very intense and it makes for a good party game as well.
For 1 to 4 players
graphics: 7
sound: 6
gameplay: 7
Find this game on eBay here!
57 NBA JAM Tournament Edition (Acclaim/Midway, 1994)
The popular arcade
2 on 2 basketball game returns here on the Snes (and almost every other system out there too including the lowly Atari Jaguar) but there is hardly anything new here this time
in this NBA Jam. Sure, even though the game still plays fine, the roster is changed around, and the graphics and audio are a little beefed up over the last
game but that's about it and you're dropping more cash for what is basically a expansion pak.
For 1 to 4 players
graphics: 7
sound: 6
gameplay: 6
Find this game on eBay here!
12 NHL STANLEY CUP (Nintendo, 1992)
It was great to see Nintendo back making Hockey games again after they stuck gold with the fun Ice Hockey on the 8-bit NES but before you think they can re-create the same magic this crappy 3D title just falls flat on it's face. First the good news: this game is fully licensed by the NHL so you get the real over priced teams to play around with and that's pretty much it for the good stuff. Now for the bad: the game looks bloody awful with highly blurry 3D effects, badly animated players, and very choppy frame rate that will make anyone sick. It doesn't help matters that the annoying camera here also jumps all over the place so it's hard to focus on passes and checks making the whole experience almost unplayable. If that wasn't bad enough (c'mon it should be) the game has no background music and the sound effects for the game's crowd sound just as bored as me playing this! NHL Stanley Cup never did get a sequel so you see: there is a God!
For 1 or
2 players
graphics: 1
sound: 1
gameplay: 2
Find this game on eBay here!
Here are the three NES Ninja Gaiden titles in one fun collection but before you get too excited there
are very little improvements in the actually games here over the old 8-bit games
and Ninja Gaiden III even has some of the special effects taking out. All three 2D titles are action platformer where you control a ninja dressed in blue named Ryu and you have to save or avenge a spy named Irene from rival clans, demons, and birds. I hate those damn birds! Ninja
Gaiden Trilogy is a solid buy for action fans but this could have been done so much
better like Super Mario All Stars.
*Uncommon SNES game
For 1 player only
graphics: 3
sound: 6
gameplay: 9
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87 The NINJA WARRIORS (Taito/Natsume, 1993)
In this action game three prototype cybernetic ninjas must try to overthrow
the evil Governor in this excellent title with 8 levels. In the spirit of other
fighting games like Double Dragon, you must take out a virtual army of
ruthless opponents but this game takes place on a single plane making the fights
much more direct. Although the game is short don't over look this intense action
title or you'll regret it.
*Rare SNES game
For 1 player only
graphics: 8
sound: 8
gameplay: 7
Find this game on eBay here!
70 OGRE BATTLE: March of the Black Queen (Enix/Quest, 1994)
One of the original real time strategy RPG's for the system and it's one
of Enix's final games on the Super Nintendo. Definitely not a game for everybody since it moves slowly and the graphics are nothing special either but don't let
you stop ya from trying it, the replay value is extremely high here.
*Battery back up game
*Uncommon SNES game
For 1 player only
graphics: 6
sound: 7
gameplay: 9
Find this game on eBay here!
71 OPERATION LOGIC BOMB (Jaleco, 1992)
In this interesting shooter you play a cyborg that enters a computer command
center that has been completely taken over. It's your mission to neutralize the threat by accessing the corrupted network and taking down any hostiles with a wide range of weapons like machine guns, flame throwers, and much more. Too bad it's so short though (what, only 3 levels!) because it could have been a
great action game instead of just a good one.
For 1 player only
graphics: 7
sound: 6
gameplay: 7
Find this game on eBay here!
84 OUT of This WORLD (Interplay, 1992)
Ohya, the famous PC hit comes to the Snes here and port isn't too bad. In the game you play the role of Lester Knight; a young sciencist that accidently created a portal to another world. To survive you and your new found friend
must shoot and escape their way through tons of chaotic landscapes. Out of this World is tough but the polygonal graphics and strong soundtrack make this a winner especially for 1992.
For 1 player only
graphics: 8
sound: 7
gameplay: 7
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60 PAC IN TIME (Namco, 1994)
Anybody remember this one? Pac Man now enters a strange parallel universe and he has to solve various
puzzles in hopes of returning back to his homeworld. There is no classic action
here unfortunately and some may not like the whole action platformer style here
either but the game is still fun to play and way better then Pac Man 2.
For 1 player
graphics: 5
sound: 4
gameplay: 7
Find this game on eBay here!
33 PAC MAN 2: The New Adventures (Namco, 1995)
This is absolutely nothing like the original Pac Man games, this plays more
like the horrible Hey You Pikachu for N64. Sure the game may be kind
of dumb but includes the original arcade games Pac Man and Ms. Pac
Man hidden away somewhere inside at least. That isn't enough for me to recommend
it though.
For 1 or
2 players
graphics: 6
sound: 6
gameplay: 4
Find this game on eBay here!
67 PEACEKEEPERS (Jaleco, 1994)
This Brawl Brothers sequel could have been a really good fighting game since there are four different characters to pick from and brancing paths as well. Sadly just
like most of these types of games the action repeats itself way too much and
I swear I have been fighting the same two enemies in the last four levels here at least.
For 1 or
2 players
graphics: 6
sound: 6
gameplay: 4
Find this game on eBay here!
70 PILOTWINGS (Nintendo, September 1991)
In this unusual
video game you must compete in various events like Parachuting, Jet Packing,
and you can even fly a plane or helicopter. Pilotwings also really shows off
the SNES exclusive Mode7 3D technology thanks to the zooming and rotation effects
but the only problem I have with the game is that there are only ten very short
levels here.
For 1 player only
sound: 7
gameplay: 7
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60 PITFALL: The Mayan Adventure (Activision/Majesto, June 13 2001)
returns yet again to show these other platformer big games who's the boss but
did it work? Pitfall the Mayan Adventure looks fine with its vast jungles and
deadly temples to explore plus it even has some excellent animation too but the action in these areas can get a little
tedious since the areas can be big size and it's easy to get lost. It's not the pits but Pitfall on the Snes should have less confusing to play.
For 1 player only
graphics: 7
sound: 6
gameplay: 6
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03 PIT FIGHTER (THQ/Tengen, 1991)
this: here is this new all powerful 16-bit gaming system in the early 1990's
and then we get outdated crap on a cart like this? Pit Fighter was a arcade hit that
uses digital actors fighting it out in seedy warehouses, bars, and even high rise buildings for cash. The idea is
great but the problem in this version flat out sucks. This game is poor programming
at it's finest with the cheapest game play, choppiest graphics, and repetitive
sounds you can ever imagine! The game may look like the arcade game with fighters Buzz, Ty, and Kato still playable in here but a lot of the enemies like the black guy in the pink shirt and even the different weapons and items are gone making a average beat em up much worse. The Genesis version of this illegal beat
em up fighter is way better than this embarrassment to the Super Nintendo line
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 2
sound: 3
gameplay: 1
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83 PLOK (Tradewest/Software Creations, 1993)
This game here is a very tough action/adventure game starring a limb throwing
hero that must rid his land of evil invading fees. One of the game's coolest
features is the ability to play a Plok from the past and when you do the game
actually turns black and white and even the the music is all retro. What makes
this game so challenging is that there is no save or password here so you have
to complete it all in one sitting. Plok is a simple yet fun game that should
keep you busy for awhile.
For 1 player only
graphics: 8
sound: 8
gameplay: 7
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78 POCKY & ROCKY (Natsume, 1993)
Natsume may not
be a very popular video game company like a Konami or Capcom but their Pocky
& Rocky titles proved to be very playable and addictive games here. In this
game you help a young Japanese girl and a raccoon through 6 tough levels of
weirdo's, ghosts, and other unfriendly characters to protect your land from
invasion. What makes this crazy but wild shooting game so unique can be played
defensively as well as offensively thanks to some cool melee attacks. Pocky &
Rocky can be a lot of fun once you figure out how to play the game.
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 7
sound: 7
gameplay: 8
Find this game on eBay here!
82 POCKY & ROCKY 2 (Natsume, 1994)
This sequel plays pretty much the the same as the last Pocky and Rocky game
but it's still all good because the game is a very intense two player shooter
and now you can buy some upgrades from shop owners and use multiple characters besides Pocky (some little girl) and Rocky (a raccoon). If you are looking for a
very good shoot em up then you better not let this one go especially since I
don't see it too often.
*Rare SNES game
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 6
sound: 8
gameplay: 7
Find this game on eBay here!
65 POWER INSTINCT (Atlus, 1994)
Oh great, it's yet another very unoriginal one on one beat em up starring 9 characters including a old
lady with the ability to turn into a young women after kissing her enemies,
even if they are female. Before you get too excited the graphics are rather average,
the sounds are fairly flat, and the special moves here are all very familiar if you
what I mean? The controls are decent enough and the fighters seem well balanced. Have the Power and it's only slightly above average.
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 6
sound: 6
gameplay: 6
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28 POWER RANGERS ZEO Battle Racers (Bandai, 1996)
Imagine Super Mario Kart but with crappier graphics, music, game play, and well everything! You get Power Rangers Zeo here, one of the laziest efforts you'll find on the Snes. Although the different battle modes can be fun for a few seconds, don't expect much after that.
*Uncommon Snes game
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 3
sound: 4
gameplay: 4
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67 PREHISTORIK MAN (Titus, 1996)
Prehistokik Man is a fun action/adventure title starring a ugly caveman
hero but the game play here is really nothing we haven't seen before. The game
is simple: help your cavemen to recollect the village's stolen food while you
hit anything that gets in your way. The graphics and sounds are impressive but
I would have rated this higher if the game had a real save feature.
For 1 player
graphics: 6
sound: 5
gameplay: 6
Find this game on eBay here!
55 PRIMAL RAGE (Time Warner/Bit Masters, 1995)
Ohya, this is your typical one on one fighting that were popular at the time but now you get to play as giant dinosaurs and apes to gain control of the new Urth. The controls can be very confusing since you have to hold down certain attack buttons to do special moves. The graphics and sounds are impressive but the lack of characters and any true bosses will have you raging for sure.
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 8
sound: 7
gameplay: 6
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55 Q BERT 3 (NTVIC, 1992)
The early 80's favourite from the arcades returns to scene again with some
new rules and graphical upgrades for the Snes. If you don't know the game Qbert you control a little orange creature that changes the colour of blocks to score points and complete stages. Sadly other
then a few improvements to the visuals, the basic game play remains the same as it did in the early 1980's and some gamers may not go for the simple style here. Play this arcade legend
with a joystick and not the digital pad................ good luck finding one
of them around though.
*Uncommon SNES game
For 1 player only
graphics: 5
sound: 3
gameplay: 3
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64 Bugs Bunny's RABBIT RAMPAGE (Sunsoft, 1994)
Bugs Bunny's old rival Daffy Duck is up to no good again has Bugs gets trapped
in old episodes and he must find a way out. This hard action game started out
good enough thanks to some rather good graphics but it doesn't take long for
the adventure to become a chore to play thanks to some limited attacks yet if
you become good at game you then realize the game is a little on the short side.
For 1 player only
graphics: 8
sound: 7
gameplay: 7
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19 RACE DRIVIN (LJN/Atari, 1992)
Although this game was cool in the arcades during the 1990's, Race Drivin here on the Snes is a very poor 3D racer that's basically striped down to nothing. This game may feature some early polygon graphics which was a rare thing
for the Super Nintendo before the FX chip, but the whole game looks so pathetic
thanks to the horrible frame rate. No one will want to play this extreme racing game for more then 10 minutes.
For 1 player
graphics: 2
sound: 1
gameplay: 2
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54 RAIDEN TRAD (Electro Brain/Keibu, 1992)
This is actually fairly close to the popular arcade original and this is one of the few 16-bit editions that features co-op game play (unlike the TG-16 and Genny ones) but it can be a little
slow at times though thanks to all the on screen firepower. In it you pilot
a aircraft that can pick up different guns and missiles for more power but remember
only one hit can kill you and of course ya lose all these goodies if you die making you a sitting duck. Raiden
Trad is a good choice for shooter fans but don't expect a arcade perfect game.
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 6
sound: 7
gameplay: 7
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47 RANMA 1/2 Hard Battle (DTMC, 1993)
This is the only official NTSC release of the popular Japanese Ranma 1/2 series.
Now before you go out and buy it though this is just another one on one fighter with
very little going for it except maybe the corny story lines here (Anime fans like
that sort of junk, eh?). In the game you can be one of 10 (or 12 once you finish it) fighters they range from a young man that has a female alter ego to a giant panda. Although the characters look cool and the game is far superior to the original Street Combat, the fighting itself is slow and still not very easy too control.
*Uncommon SNES game
For 1 or
2 players
graphics: 6
sound: 8
gameplay: 7
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40 REN & STIMPY: Fire Dogs (THQ, 1993)
This rare video
game was only a rental only title because there are only two different real
levels here. In the game you help Stimpy collect fire equipment in a limited
amount of time and then help both Ren and Stimpy try to catch falling objects
and people from burning buildings. That's it for game play and it just get harder
and harder per level. I can see why Fire Dogs was a rental only because it sucks.
*Rare SNES game
For 1 player only
graphics: 6
sound: 5
gameplay: 3
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64 REN & STIMPY: Time Warp (THQ, 1993)
Time Warp here is a great looking game starring those wacky and sometimes offensive
dog and cat cartoon characters but unless you're a fan of the show this title won't make
much sense. In one level for example you battle a bunch of giant monsters that look like Stimpy the cat but unless you actually seen the TV episode that was based on the sence just comes off confusing. This game is packed with some very strange 2D and 3D levels so at
least the game mixes up the action here a bit. Time Wrap is jarring at times but still fun to see all the unique stages especially if you liked the show.
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 7
sound: 7
gameplay: 7
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69 REN & STIMPY: Veediots (THQ, 1992)
This game here is a simple
but fun action title that features four different episodes based from the then hit cartoon
show about a stupid red cat and an angry little dog. In the first two stages you control Ren and in the last two you control Stimpy here. Although the graphics and music are not too bad, Veediots could have been
an amazing title if they placed more effort into the presentation and if it had a decent ending too.
For 1 player only
graphics: 7
sound: 7
gameplay: 5
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15 REX RONAN: Experimental Surgeon (Raya Systems, 1993)
OK, so get this: in this so called game you are shrunken down to go inside a dying man's body to rid it of the effects of cigarettes. Yup, we have an educational waste of cartridge space here but let's give it a try. First off you can blast and jump around kinda like Contra and the graphics inside the mouth of this smoker look somewhat decent at first but the floaty controls and spotty hit detection really make this a chore to play. There are stages where you are just shooting crap and other stages where you must successfully guide your ship through tunnels but it all gets very old very quickly. If this is an anticigarette game I say light 'em up.
*Rare Snes game
For 1 player only
graphics: 3
sound: 3
gameplay: 3
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17 RISE of The ROBOTS (Acclaim/Mirage, 1995)
The rendered graphics and amazing music and sound are really outstanding
here but that's the only good thing about this weak 32 meg fighting game. The
single player game tells the story of a robot trying to regain control of a
building ruled by renegade machines and although the story mode started out
great but the super linear button mashing game play is just insulting. The two
player mode is also very limited since the second player gets to select from
5 robots but player one can only select from one character. Rise of the Robots
also has fighters that are very hard to control and that's the real killer here.
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 8
sound: 8
gameplay: 2
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58 RIVAL TURF (Jaleco, 1992)
Rival Turf is a two player beat em up that kind of reminds me of a lack
luster Final Fight type game. You know the deal: pick from either a quicker smaller dude or a stronger but slow guy and then smack around a bunch of thugs. This was still actually more fun then Capcom's
original Snes game though thanks to the two player options but the graphics and sounds here are
definitely sub-par plus what's the deal with the strange cover art?
For 1 or
2 players
graphics: 5
sound: 6
gameplay: 5
Find this game on eBay here!
81 ROCK and ROLL RACING (Interplay, 1992)
This cool overhead racer actually features some real license rock n' roll music from bands like Black Sabbath here. If that wasn't awesome enough the game also as excellent tracks
and this game even has some weapons laying around so you can really do some damage to the other suckers on the road. This game lets you relive the RC
Pro AM glory days but now with better music and more vicious carnage. Although the game looks a choppy at times, it would be
a good idea to not let this wild racer pass you by.
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 7
sound: 9
gameplay: 8
Find this game on eBay here!
78 RUN SABER (Jaleco, 1993)
Woohoo, I really love the arcade and Genesis version of the awesome Strider and Run Saber feels like it's close cousin! OK, so the world is all screwed up and two androids are on a mission to destroy some crap and that's pretty much it. There are 5 levels and it's fairly short but there are tons of enemies to fight, you can climb walls and ceilings with ease, and you can even play co-op at the same time. The graphics and music are forgettable especially compared to Capcom's classic but Run Saber's awesomeness shines through it's terrible name.
For 1 or 2 player
graphics: 6
sound: 6
gameplay: 8
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R TYPE III The Third Lightning (Jaleco/Irem, 1994)
To answer the problems of Super R Type, Irem would release a new
shooter to the SNES that would fix some of the showdown and balance issues. R Type III now
features three different Force Pods to select from and each unit has their own different
attack patterns. It's a very short game with only 6 levels to master but it's
still not a easy one so expect another challenging shoot em up.
*Uncommon Snes game
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 8
sound: 7
gameplay: 7
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65 SAMURAI SHODOWN (Takana/SNK, 1994)
Here we have the Super Nintendo version of Samurai Shodown, this is a huge
32 Meg game with all the 13 characters, their own backgrounds, and soundtracks,
so it's mostly all here but it's still has it's list of problems especially
in the graphic and sound departments. Unlike the all powerful Panasonic 3D0's
Samurai Shodown, this game actually has the Amakusa intermissions which gives
the game more of a storyline. However, the multiple problems still remain like
the game's censorship (no blood, no bad words, no decapitations), short fighters
unlike the Sega versions (they are always zoomed out), and some annoying music
as well. Samurai Shodown for the Super Nintendo could have had been so much
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 6
sound: 7
gameplay: 8
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SECRET of EVERMORE (SquareUSA, 1995)
Here is the first and sadly the last Squaresoft North American project on the Super Nintendo. Secret of Evermore is a very strange but still very fun action/RPG that as a
unique Sci-fi feel to it and it also plays a lot like Squaresoft's previous
Game of the Month Secret
of Mana. In the adventure you guide a young boy and his transforming
dog through the strange universe of Evermore. Although game play wise it is
nothing new, this is still a very underrated game in my opinion.
back up game
*Uncommon SNES game
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 8
sound: 8
gameplay: 8
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SECRET of MANA (Square,
Summer 1993)
Here's a underrated game! Secret of Mana was quietly released by SquareSoft
in the third year of the SNES and the North American market was still a little
unsure about RPG's at that moment so it didn't get a lot of attention over here,
unfortunately. Secret of Mana is an action/role playing game where you control
the destiny of a young man trying to find a mysterious and magical giant tree.
I could not stop playing it till I see every new land, hear every rich sound
track, got every 8 charging strikes, and learned that secret of mana of course.
Mana is a very addictive and it's just a blast to play!
*Uncommon SNES game
*Battery back up game holds four files
For 1 to 3 players
graphics: 7
sound: 9
gameplay: 9
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74 SHADOWRUN (Data East/Fasa, 1993)
You want a cult favourite? Look no further then with the Shadowrun series.
Shadowrun is a very edgy point and click adventure/RPG in the not so distance
future. The whole theme is not to different from the movie Blade Runner
or something like that. Although the graphics and sounds could have been better,
the gritty story definitely has a lot of appeal. Well worth picking up if you
can find one.
*Battery back up
SNES game
For 1 player only
graphics: 7
sound: 6
gameplay: 9
Find this game on eBay here!
05 SHAQ FU (Electronic Arts, 1993)
Oh boy, this isn't going to be pretty! Shaq Fu is a very hard to control one on one fighting game with your basic duel and
boring story modes. In the game Basketball star Shaq is transported to alternate universe where he has to battle a bunch of generic losers. This game only has seven characters to pick from instead
of the twelve found in the Sega Genesis version so it's even a worse
game now if that was even humanly possible?
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 3
sound: 2
gameplay: 2
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76 SIM CITY (Nintendo/Maxis, September 1991)
One of the Super Nintendo's launch titles was this Will Wight PC
classic here. If you never heard of this game before (where have you been) you
are aloud to create your very own town or city from scratch or from various
scenarios. Sim City is a addictive strategy game that gives you tons of power
to rule everything and the game throws enough problems at you so the game never
becomes too easy. Although the game play can get very repetitive, if you are
sick of the same old platformers and Street Fighter clones Sim City is a great
change of pace.
*Battery back
up game
For 1 player only
graphics: 5
sound: 6
gameplay: 8
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41 SKULJAGGER: Revenge of the Westicans (American Softworks)
In this 2D action game you become a pirate on the hunt for the Skuljagger,
a very feared leader of a gang of thieves. Skuljagger is a very average hack
and slash platformer with some very boring graphics for a Snes game. I love
jumping at the jewel at the end of every stage so it appears the hero is floating
in the air but when the game's bugs are more amusing then the game itself then
you know it's bad.
For 1 player
graphics: 4
sound: 6
gameplay: 5
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70 SKY BLAZER (Sony Imagesoft, 1993)
Sky Blazer is a good but way too short action/adventure quest to save a
stolen princess from powerful demons. There are some cool looking 3D effects
and some huge bosses too but this should only take a few days (or ever hours)
to finish and then you're done. Still this is one of the best Sony Imagesoft games I ever played.
For 1 player only
graphics: 7
sound: 7
gameplay: 6
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56 SONIC BLAST MAN (Taito, 1992)
In this oddly named game you play the role of a unusual super hero with a insane goofy costume in yet another
unoriginal Final Fight clone. The different mini games were fun here
and the game play itself was solid enough but the only thing holding it back
was that it was rather slow. It's not a blast, man but it's playable.
For 1 player only
graphics: 7
sound: 6
gameplay: 7
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71 SONIC BLAST MAN II (Taito, 1995)
I never asked for a sequel to Sonic Blast Man myself but apparently somebody
did so here it is. Fortunately the game improves on the original in almost every
way. The game is still your typical side scrolling beat em up where you or a
friend can select from three super heroes but the action is very fast and intense
plus the character's super powers really help to even the odds against a large
group of bad guys. Sonic Blast Man II may be a hard find but it's worth it.
*Rare SNES game
For 1 or
2 players
graphics: 6
sound: 7
gameplay: 7
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SOUL BLAZER (Enix, 1992)
This game kind of reminds me of Enix's earlier Actraiser but it's
all overhead action here folks. In the game you control a young warrior on a mission to save communities that were destroyed by invading monsters. Soul Blazer is a very fun action RPG that can
be a bit too easy at times but at least you get something out of the experience.
*Battery back up game
*Uncommon SNES game
For 1 player only
graphics: 7
sound: 7
gameplay: 8
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SPACE MEGA FORCE (Toho/Compile, 1992)
This weirdly named title is very similar to the fun Gun
Nac on the NES and the amazing Blazing
Lazers on the TurboGrafx-16. In the game you have to defend earth from invasion by mastering
12 deadly levels and there are 8 killer weapons with custom options to best
suite any player. Space Mega Force may be jammed back with goodies but its also
fairly short with levels lasting only a few minutes. This is known as Super
Aleste in Japan.
*Rare SNES game
For 1 player only
graphics: 8
sound: 8
gameplay: 9
Find this game on eBay here!
75 SPARKSTER (Konami, 1994)
Sega Genesis fans may recognized this armoured possum hero? In this action you control a little knight with a jetpack on a mission to rescue a kidnapped princess (of course). The game comes loaded with great graphics and pulse pounding music plus the overall hack and slash action is intense too. Problem is the game is a bit too intense cause using the rocket attacks sends our hero all over the place and it may cause some cheap hits or even some deaths. Once your learn the stage layouts it's not too bad and there are 9 stages here so there's still tons to like.
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 7
sound: 8
gameplay: 7
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SPAWN (Acclaim, 1995)
The famous comic book anti-hero comes to the Snes and the dark graphic style is pretty cool here and the sound wasn't too bad either. Sadly
the action is fairly slow and that limits this comic bad boy's fearsome power
here a little. This is still a solid buy though especially for Spawn fans.
For 1 player only
graphics: 8
sound: 7
gameplay: 5
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How do you screw up a simple 2D action game that stars some of the biggest
names in comic books? That's easy just hire some boneheads off the streets and
have they create a game that's hard to control, looks bland, and is insanely
difficult. Although Arcade's Revenge has a nice selection of playable characters
once Spiderman completes the first level, it doesn't remove the fact that this
game is absolutely unplayable.
For 1 player
graphics: 5
sound: 5
gameplay: 5
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If anything this odd game gets points for being a very unique game. In it you control a spinning ...... thing in order to hit certain targets and advance to the next stage but the
controls are kind of rough around the edges in this puzzler so mistakes can
be all too common. Spindizzy Worlds could have been a sleeper hit.
For 1 player
graphics: 5
sound: 7
gameplay: 5
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STAR FOX (Nintendo, 1993)
Star Fox got his start right here on the Snes and it was really an amazing
4 Meg 3D shooter back then. What is it so special? It's the first ever Super Nintendo game to use the
Super FX chip for true 3D polygon style graphics; a unique concept for a console game.
OK, today these flat shaded polygons running at a low frame-rate are nothing
now but in 1993 it was a big deal and this game still has some an amazing soundtrack
that is far superior the later N64 and Gamecube games. There are
lots of levels here too so the replay value is pretty high. Star Fox is a challenging
and unlinear 3D shooter that has a lot personality.
*Super FX chip game
For 1 player only
graphics: 6
sound: 9
gameplay: 7
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50 STAR FOX Super Weekend Competition (Nintendo/EAD, 1992)
What the heck is this strange thing here? Almost everyone knows the original
but I bet a lot of you didn't know there was another Star Fox game out there
for the Super Nintendo, eh? Now before you get too excited this limited edition
Star Fox cart here was only used for special Nintendo competitions and you can
only play the game for 5 minutes only and that's it. Although the 3D graphics
and well done music is still here, it doesn't even have all the levels find
in the original Star Fox so prepared for a very short trip. Game play wise you're
better off the original. So why get it you ask? Well, for starters since the
game wasn't technically released in stores so Star Fox Super Weekend is easily
one of the hardest to find games in North America. If you manage to magically
find a copy its value is in the hundreds! I'm not kidding here so you collectors
better start hunting now because there were only 2,000 ever made.
*Super FX chip game
*Extremely Rare SNES game!!
For 1 player only
graphics: 5
sound: 6
gameplay: 3
Find this game on eBay here!
30 STREET COMBAT (Irem, 1992)
This weak fighting game is the Americanized version of the original Ranma
1/2 for the Super Famicom which wasn't that good of a game to be
begin with but now its even worse now that the characters are just a bunch of
no name losers. Street Combat is hard to control, the graphics are crap, and
overall the game is just below average in every single way.
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 3
sound: 3
gameplay: 4
Find this game on eBay here!
82 STREET FIGHTER II (Capcom, Summer
Before all the meaningless upgrades, crappy movies, and stupid characters
(like Demi and Alex for example) this was the best arcade game of it's time
and it came exclusively to the SNES console for the first time way back in 1992. In this you pick from
one of eight fighters from around the world and then go at it one on one to
become the best. This is one fine 16 meg fighting game thanks to the tight controls, great visuals, and solid music so it only loses a few
things from the arcade translation.
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 8
sound: 8
gameplay: 9
Find this game on eBay here!
In this 20 meg upgrade to Capcom's one on one fighting hit and it is slightly
better now. The four bosses are now playable, there are a few new moves for
the original 8 fighters, and the game speed is now adjustable for even faster
game play. Other then that the game is exactly the same and some players may
not be that impressed. This is fun for a decent week unless you're a true Street
Fighter II hard-core nut.
1 or 2 players
graphics: 8
sound: 8
gameplay: 7
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STREET FIGHTER ALPHA 2 (Nintendo/Capcom, 1997)
Street Fighter Alpha 2 is a OK 32 meg version of one of the many versions
of Street Fighter out there. You know the deal here; you pick one guy from a
bunch of nut cases and you get some of the others in one on one contests. Although
this version includes all 18 characters from the arcade game, why in the world
does this game include load times just before a fight, uh? This is the Super
Nintendo; an cart based system! If you're sick of Street Fighter, this game
won't change your mind but at least it still plays well.
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 7
sound: 4 .............. I hate the new remixed music!
gameplay: 8
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78 STUNT RACE FX (Nintendo, 1994)
Nintendo's second FX game is this very hard to control polygon racer that
comes complete with your standard racing circuits, stunt tracks, and battle
modes. Stunt Race FX may look pretty crude now and the two player game is just annoying since the two screens are so small but it can still be a fun game
if you have the patience to learn it.
*Battery back up game
*Super FX chip game
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 5
sound: 6
gameplay: 8
Find this game on eBay here!
80 SUPER ADVENTURE ISLAND (Hudson Soft, 1991)
Another 8-bit
series gets a upgrade on the SNES here. Super Adventure Island is a great looking
16-bit sequel to the classic Wonder Boy-like action series where you
control a caveman who wears a red cap. The game is a good linear action title
that's easy to learn and it's also packed with some nice presentation too but
the series still hasn't evolved too much either from the NES days.
For 1 player only
graphics: 8
sound: 8
gameplay: 6
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68 SUPER ADVENTURE ISLAND 2 (Hudson Soft, 1994)
Now the Adventure
Island series returns in an all new role playing style action game in order to spice things up a bit I guess. The fat island dude is still trying to rescue his wife for like the hundredth time but now you can use swords and shields to help him out. Super
Adventure Island 2 is a good game for both action and adventure seekers but
I think the graphics and sound could have been a lot better.
For 1 player only
graphics: 6
sound: 7
gameplay: 8
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82 SUPER BOMBERMAN (Hudson Soft, 1993)
The Bomberman series has been around for a while and this old but highly
acclaimed TurboGrafx-16 game finally comes to the Super Nes for the
first time. If you buy Super Bomberman complete then this game should come with
not only the usually game and instructions but it should also come with a over
sized SNES box (like Nintendo's Earth Bound) and a bonus Multi-tap. If
you are new to the Bomberman series you control one of these dorky but deadly
little dudes who can plant dangerous explosives to destroy certain walls and
enemies. Laying down bombs is easy but the blast can kill you as well so you
still have to be careful. It's fun though watching a newbie trap themselves
in a corner with their bomb in the way. The story mode was way too easy and
short but the multi-player games are always fun no matter what system it's played
on. Get a few more controllers then you have an instant party.
For 1 to 4 players
graphics: 6
sound: 6
gameplay: 8
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90 SUPER BOMBERMAN 2 (Hudson Soft,
Bomberman returns yet again and he has to a invasion of rival Bombermen to stop. The game still
has that awesome multi-player mode we all know and love but now it will award
the winner with a prize.....maybe? The new one player game is also a lot better
now since it is harder to master. If you want to blow up your friends then definitely get Super Bomberman 2 here.
For 1 to 4 players
graphics: 5
sound: 6
gameplay: 9
Find this game on eBay here!
52 SUPER BONK (Hudson Soft, 1994)
"All in a days work!" Here is a very easy action game starring the once
famous big headed caveman from TurboGrafx-16 fame. In the game Bonk is just walking around minding his own business in prehistortic times when he suddenly gets trapped in a time machine and the evil King Drool has sent our hero to the future. Now the big headed caveman needs to find a way home and he's ready to headbutt anyone that gets in his way. Although not everyone
will like the new modern look that Bonk now finds himself in, this cute game
was still kind of fun.
For 1 player
graphics: 6
sound: 7
gameplay: 5
Find this game on eBay here!
50 SUPER BUSTER BROS. (Capcom, 1992)
Why is this arcade game only one player now, Capcom? Either way, this is
a fun little non violent game where you move around a little explorer dude left
and right so he can pop bubbles from around the world. So can you finish over a
100 levels without being bored to death by level 10? Yeah, I wouldn't spend too much green on this one.
For 1 player only
graphics: 5
sound: 4
gameplay: 5
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94 SUPER CASTLEVANIA 4 (Konami, 1991)
Here is a great 11 stage remake of the classic NES game. In it you
are the legendary holy warrior Simon Belmont and you must enter the dreaded
castle of Count Dracula alone before the evil dark lord can conquer the entire
world with his army of undead. Although
some of the stages look familiar to the older 8-bit editions, make no mistake here; this is updated experience
because the game comes with new levels, new monsters, and even new moves like
the effective whip guard to liven things up a bit. Super Castlevania 4 is a
solid action platformer with incredible music and way above average graphics.
For 1 player
graphics: 8
sound: 9......... very eerie!
gameplay: 7
Find this game on eBay here!
61 SUPER CONFLICT (Vic Tokai, 1993)
Here is another rare turn based strategy game on the Snes. In the game you
control several perset ground vehicles, aircrafts, and even ground groups to
counter your enemy units and you both take turns till there is a winner. Super
Conflict is sure a hard sell because these war graphics are just flat and plain
plus the music here isn't much better either. The action is also slower and
less complex compared to other strategy games like Military Madness. There are
not too many war simulations to compare this to on the Super Nintendo so if
you're into that sort of thing then this is one of the few that's actually out
*Uncommon SNES game
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 4
sound: 7
gameplay: 7
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75 SUPER DOUBLE DRAGON IV (Tradewest/Technos Japan, 1992)
The fourth game plays too much like the last ones but it still better then
that lousy one on one Double Dragon V. Jimmy and Billy Lee return yet
again to fight a new group of enemies in all new locations like airports and
dojos but some of the classic music returns in some levels with mixed results.
There are some cool new moves and there are 7 long levels here but it can get very repetitive. Did anybody else notice that Tradewest got the Double Dragon license back? Worth
the price in the discount bins but the lack of a story line here sucks.
For 1 or
2 players
graphics: 6
sound: 6
gameplay: 7
Find this game on eBay here!
Arts, 1993)
This sequel is a even tougher action game then the last Super Star Wars
game here. Empire Strikes Back still comes with three playable characters, and
tons of levels but now the main character Luke Skywalker can perform new Jedi
powers like sword throws, healing, and much more later in the game. The only
thing that is missing was it just didn't have the father/son tension of the
hit movie if you know what I mean?
For 1 player only
sound: 8
gameplay: 8
Find this game on eBay here!
70 SUPER GHOULS 'N GHOSTS (Capcom, October 1991)
This is a fine
sequel to the popular and way too difficult demon hunting Sega Genesis
and Arcade hit. In it you still play has the brave knight Sir Authur on a mission
to save the princess from various monsters and demons here again. Like the last games you lose
your armour once hit by a enemy and if you get attacked again in your boxer
shorts you're dead. Although the graphics are much improved over the original
Ghouls N' Ghosts, I can't understand why can't you shoot up and down anymore?
The game is still a very fun action game and the new double jump is pretty cool
too, however be aware that this game is just as hard and tedious as the last
ones and there is no password or save system here either.
For 1 player only
graphics: 8
sound: 8
gameplay: 8
Find this game on eBay here!
85 SUPER MARIO ALL STARS (Nintendo, 1993)
Can't find a old NES? Are you a Mario fan? Ever wanted to play the
REAL Super Mario Brothers 2? Well folks, here's your chance to play some
of the best games ever made! Nintendo released Super Mario All Stars in 1993
and this is a very nice collection of 4 of their greatest hits ever on one huge
16 Meg cart. This game includes the graphical improved games Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros 2, Super Mario Bros. 3 and the then Japanese only game 'The
Lost Levels' (a.k.a. the real Super Mario Bros. 2). Super Mario All Stars can
sure solve a lot of gamers problems but it may not be for everyone (like any
Mario fan that have already played these games to death) despite the new features
*Battery back up game
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 8
sound: 7
gameplay: 10
Find this game on eBay here!
Just like the name says this cart is just Super Mario All Stars and Super Mario World all rolled up into one so that's five awesome games in one set! There are no improvements to
the original SNES games but when the games are this good who cares? This cart
is one of the best values you can find out there.
*Battery back up game
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 8
sound: 7
gameplay: 10
Find this game on eBay here!
SUPER MARIO KART (Nintendo, 1992)
One of the all time greats when it comes to go kart racing and it started
right here on the Super Nintendo. In the game you race across several multi-coloured
worlds while avoiding the competition and getting power ups for help. I hate
how the computer always throws things at you and there isn't too much you can
do about it and the whole split screen thing looks a little odd as well, but
Super Mario Kart is still one of the best series in the many Kart racing games
now out there. SMK also has really good 2 player games with tons of modes like
Grand Prix and Battle to try out. If you like racing and Mario games you should
definitely find it and get it!
back up game
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 6
sound: 8
gameplay: 9
Find this game on eBay here!
MARIO RPG: Secret of the Seven Stars (Square/Nintendo, 1996)
Just imagine mixing the popular Super Mario games with the popular Final
Fantasy series and you got Super Mario RPG here! This game also comes with
amazing computer generated artwork found in other popular 16-bit titles like Donkey Kong Country and Vectorman. Although the game has a very
cool concept, the big problem that I have with this title the quest is kind
of short and too easy for most role playing pros. It was still a cool and fair
size adventure with five playable characters that includes Princess Peach and
Mario's arch rival Bowser. The game even has a secret boss based loosely from
Final Fantasy II in the game hidden somewhere complete with the classic boss
theme music. Super Mario RPG is not as deep as I would have liked but it is
a good mixture of action and RPG style in one solid game and the graphics were
*Battery back up game
*Uncommon SNES game
For 1 player only
graphics: 9
sound: 8
gameplay: 8
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95 SUPER MARIO WORLD (Nintendo, September 1991)
The Italian brothers are back at it again as they try to free Dinosaur
Island from the evil King Bowser and his rotten Koopa Kids. Mario and Luigi
don't have to do it alone because now you can get some help from your new dinosaur
friends; the Yoshis. Is
the fourth game in the series worth picking up though? Like the previous games
in the 8-bit NES series this is 2D platformer where you can jump on most enemies
to kill them but you can also collect power ups like the Feather so you can
strike enemies with your cape plus fly, dive, and guide through the air as well
(kind of like a modified Raccoon Tail in Super Mario Bros. 3). The game has tons of hidden secrets to discover in a huge
new world and it makes for a very non linear adventure this time. There's
so much to see and do, it's definitely going to take awhile to get that infamous
full 96% here so there is a reason to come back to the game once you finish it. Not bad for the first ever
Super Nintendo title although the graphics and sounds are nothing too ground
breaking plus the game play is still a little too similiar to Super Mario Bros.
3 as well. Super Mario World is still one huge game and it is a must play for all Mario
*Battery back
up game
*Launch game for the Snes and was a pack in title with certain systems
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 6
sound: 6
gameplay: 9
Find this game on eBay here!
94 SUPER METROID (Nintendo, Spring 1994)
This is only the third game of the Metroid series but despite the lack of
sequels (Super Smash Bros. doesn't count) to the games they still receive
a good cult following and Super Metroid is still one of favorite Super Nintendo
games out there and remember there are 600 games available for this system alone.
Super Metroid is a awesome 24 meg (the first ever 24 meg game for SNES) game
that plays a lot the original Metroid on NES rather than the sequel Metroid
II, but this action/adventure game has more weapons, more moves, and far better
looks. I recommend you play this game without a strategy guide to get the full
sensation of the greatness of Super Metroid. This is got be the late Nintendo
Producer Gunpei Yokoi's crowning achievement. It has creepy graphics,
excellent music, and easy to use controls. Heck, this game even has Japanese
subtitles! If you liked games like CastleVania Symphony of the Night for Playstation then you'll gonna like this too. I only paid 20 bucks
for mine!
*Battery back up
game holds three files
For 1 player only
graphics: 8
sound: 9
gameplay: 9
Find this game on eBay here!
SUPER NOVA (Taito, 1994)
Taito's Darius shooter series continues on the Super Nintendo with 18 new
levels and three ships to pick from this time around. OK, this unlinear shooter wasn't up to par with the
cult favourite Sagaia for the Genesis which was also part of the
Darius series but this was still a fairly challenging and decent looking game
that will test anybody. It's not super, but it's fun for fans of the series.
For 1 player only
graphics: 6
sound: 8
gameplay: 7
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94 SUPER PUNCH OUT!! (Nintendo, 1994)
Super Punch Out is not only the big sequel to the original NES hit starring Mike Tyson but it is also a very addictive boxing game that has 16 wacky boxers,
a save feature, and new time trial tests too. In the game you play the role
of the much bigger Little Mac on a quest to end the undefeated streak of the
Heavyweight Champion Nick Bruiser. The game is brutal and very funny with guys
like Bald Bull, Super Macho Man returning and tons of new wacky comers too like
Mad Clown and Masked Muscle here as well. With it's improved graphics and more options
this is way better than the older title without question but some may miss Tyson not being in the game especially with the game's lackluster sales.
*Battery back up game holds 8 files
For 1 player only
graphics: 7
sound: 6
gameplay: 8
Find this game on eBay here!
73 SUPER RETURN of the JEDI (JVC/Lucas Arts, 1994)
Although this
sequel is a lot harder then the previous Super Star Wars games because
of the cheaper enemies, it's still worth playing because you can play as several
different characters across both 2D and 3D levels. Hell, you can even play as
Slave Princess Lea this time believe it or not. The game isn't a huge leap over
the last game (Super Empire Strikes Back) but it didn't suck so it's OK at least.
For 1 player only
sound: 7
gameplay: 7
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68 SUPER R * TYPE (Irem, October 1991)
This SNES exclusive is a nice looking shooting game that took a lot of heat
from the gaming community for having tons of slowdown when the screen gets too
busy. Super R Type is quite short game with 7 small levels but this is still
a very hard game still because only hit will kill ya and there are no half way
points either. If you like shooters and you don't mind some slowdown the you
could do worse then Super R Type I guess.
For 1 player only
graphics: 8
sound: 8
gameplay: 8
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52 SUPER SCOPE 6 (Nintendo, 1992)
In this Super Scope 6 pack in game you get the 2 bazooka title's Laser Blazer
and Blastris in one cart. Although the package certainly seems decent enough
thanks to the whole 2 in 1 deal with three variants for both titles (which I
guess why this is called Super Scope 6; cheap bastards). It sounds cool but
all these games are not as good as they sound though. Blastris is great take
on Tetris itself because you get to shoot away pieces you don't want to create
lines but you only have a limited amount of shots so you have to plan out a
strategy besides just blasting everything in sight. The game's are not very exciting cause you don't have a lot of control of pieces themselves. Laser Blazer sadly is not
a sequel to Blazing Lazers because this game really sucks. You see enemies
like missiles and ships on screen and you shoot them down and then fall asleep
from boredom. Blastris was interesting but even that game can wear thin after
awhile and overall this is not really six games in one so don't buy into all
this phony hype.
*Pack in game with the Super Scope
*Super Scope required
For 1 player
sound: 5
gameplay: 5
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84 SUPER SMASH TV (Acclaim/Midway, 1992)
This is an excellent version of the nearly impossible but still very fun
to play arcade shoot em up. Wait to you hear this insane story line for this
one here; in Smash TV you control a man that can win big prizes on a national
game show by destroying and killing anything that gets in the way. What's even
better here is the killer 8 way controls custom made to feel just right for
the SNES controllers so it's easy to shoot and move at the same time. Super
Smash TV is way too hard with bosses that take about a million hits to beat
but it is still one intense game that's well worth picking up.
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 7
sound: 8
gameplay: 7
Find this game on eBay here!
81 SUPER STAR WARS (JVC/Lucas Arts, 1992)
Do you want to relive the glory days of the original Star Wars without watching
the movie? Why not play this action packed game exclusively for the Super Nintendo here, eh?
This killer game is filled with tons of 2D and 3D locations straight from the
film but now you are controlling the action. Super Star Wars is a bit on the
short side but it's super hard and still worth looking into.
For 1 player
sound: 8
gameplay: 6
Find this game on eBay here!
65 SUPER STREET FIGHTER II (Capcom, June 1994)
Yup, there is another one. This fighting game is a huge 32 meg upgrade to
the ever growing Street Fighter 2 series. The game is still the same old one
on one fighting game but now it features the four new characters; T. Hawk, Fei
Long, Cammy, and Dee Jay plus some older characters have a few new moves as
well. This newer Street Fighter II also has some new graphics, some unusual
new sounds, and some different gameplay elements that will either impress you
or leave you feeling disappointed. The game is still fun but only for a few
days because the game is getting quite stale in it's old age here.
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 7
sound: 7
gameplay: 7
Find this game on eBay here!
78 SUPER TURRICAN (Seika, 1993)
Super Turrican is a action packed action/shooter with 4 grueling worlds
to explore. In the game you are a fully armoured warrior with tons of cool gadgets to dish out and with
all your enemies out there you're going need it. This game also features some Surround
sound (which was new back then) if you have that feature set up and believe it or not the music is actually worth listening to. Super Turrican is a solid but short action
For 1 player
graphics: 7
sound: 9
gameplay: 8
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SUPER TURRICAN 2 (Ocean/Factor 5, 1997)
Wait till you see some of the great graphics and great soundtracks in this
hard to find action shoot em up sequel. Not only is the game filled with more
weapons then the last edition but Super Turrican 2 really pushes the old Snes
to its limits. Sadly, the reason it is harder to find then a girl who is actually
a fan of video games was because Super Turrican 2 wasn't even officially released
over here and was limited to the rental market despite how good it is. Super
Turrican 2 is linear but it's still a underrated action game and it may be a
good idea to find it on eBay cheap before it becomes really rare.
*Rare SNES game
For 1 player
sound: 9
gameplay: 8
Find this game on eBay here!
60 SUPER VALIS 4 (Renovation, 1992)
The Valis games were originally on the Sega Genesis and Turbo
CD and here we have the fourth game in this action series for the Snes.
Should you care? Not really. The game now stars a new female warrior with red
hair but there is still little new in terms of game play here so this 2D platformer
just doesn't stand out. You see monster, you slash at it and repeat. I don't
think there will another in the Valis series of games unfortunately because
the chicks in it did look good at least.
For 1 player only
sound: 6
gameplay: 5
Find this game on eBay here!
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