Over a hundred
games here! Sega has really out done themselves with the Genesis.
You'll see a lot classic shoot em ups, action platformers, and much more
but there are not a lot of those sports games reviewed because they are
not my favourite. All reviews are by StarSoldier unless noted.
The overall scores are out of 100. The graphics, sounds, and game play are out of 10. |
/ Name
79 NHL 94 (Electronic Arts, 1993)
Out of all the NHL based games for the Genesis, 94 is perhaps the most sought
after. I did like all the fighting and the action was very quick in this game
too but it looks so choppy compared to what we're playing now, eh? If you paid
over $2 for it than you got ripped off by the way but there is no denying that
this is still a great action title with a lot of features.
For 1 to 2 players
graphics: 6
sound: 5
gameplay: 8
Find this game on eBay here!
64 NHL 98 (EA, 1997)
I only bought this yearly hockey game because it was kind of rare but still
the tired franchise is still plays very well. I hate all those confusing options
before a game and the game play wasn't as intense of 94 but all the controls
still work seamlessly and the graphics and sounds are very realistic. I'm not
really a hockey nut even though I'm Canadian but if you love the sport then
go for this edition.
For 1 to 4 players
graphics: 7
sound: 7
gameplay: 9
Find this game on eBay here!
32 The OOZE (Sega, 1996)
This one had serious potential. In the game you were once acclaimed scientist but you were murdered by a group of terrorists looking to steal your work. Instead of dying though you were transformed into a massive blob monster and now you are on a quest for revenge. It's a cool idea and the game starts out fun but you are a very big target and the game quickly becomes frustrating as you take a lot of hits merely because of your big size and limited areas to travel across.
For 1 player
graphics: 5
sound: 4
gameplay: 6
Find this game on eBay here!
70 OUT RUN (Sega, 1991)
Another arcade hit from Sega arrives on the Genesis and the translation
is fairly close. Out Run is your typical 3D racing game where you try to finish
a course in the shortest amount of time possible but the big difference from
other games of this type is you can choose where to go near the end of the stage.
The graphics are a little choppy and the music is scratchy too but Out Run still
plays great so if you liked the arcade game then this is definitely worth a
For 1 player only
graphics: 6
sound: 6
gameplay: 5
Find this game on eBay here!
51 OUT RUN 2019 (Sega, 1992)
Out Run 2019 is a very strange upgrade of the classic arcade racer that plays pretty
much the same as the original. You still try to complete each stage in the right amount of time and there are detours at the end of each too so you can try out different stages but now there are new 500 miles per hour
cars and futurist tracks. The game is fun but there is nothing special here overall.
For 1 player only
graphics: 5
sound: 5
gameplay: 5
Find this game on eBay here!
30 PAC MAN 2 The New Adventures (Namco, 1994)
Remember all those boring Sega CD games like Night Trap or Time Gal where you were just watching the movie and the game would demand you place in the right command and just the right time or you would lose? Well Namco here got the stupid idea to make a 2D story based game where you throw commands at Pac Man but you don't really control the yellow dude himself. This game has the original Pac Man and edited Pac Man Jr. too which are sadly far superior games. It could have been decent but I
don't care too much for the slow paced main cartoon game though because the
adventure moves so slowly to be any real fun.
For 1 player only
graphics: 6
sound: 5
gameplay: 6
Find this game on eBay here!
62 PAPERBOY (Tengen/Atari, 1991)
Paperboy is a simple game of throwing around papers at people's houses day
but after a whlie even tossing around the news at anything wears thin. Paperboy
is a good buy for arcade fans but that doesn't mean it translates well to the
home market and everyone won't like the high difficulty here either.
For 1 player only
graphics: 6
sound: 6
gameplay: 6
Find this game on eBay here!
30 PGA TOUR III (EA, 1996)
I only got this because golf video games can be fun at times and I thought EA
sports would do a good job here..... I was quite wrong. The 3D graphics stinks,
the sound is horrible, the pacing is very slow as well. I had must more fun with more accessible titles like Power Golf and NES Open, PGA Tour III here is just a commercial
joke and boring as hell.
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 4
sound: 3
gameplay: 5
Find this game on eBay here!
95 PHANTASY STAR II (Sega, 1990)
Here is one of the best RPG's ever for
any system, and it's also one of the hardest. In the game two young warriors brave the many
dangers to solve the mysteries of the worldwide monsters and diasters. Can you
find the main Mother Brain behind this? The great story line highlight a long 6 meg quest that's
not for the weak.
*Battery back up game saves 4 files
For 1 player only
graphics: 8
sound: 6
gameplay: 9
Find this game on eBay here!
of Doom (Sega, 1992)
Sega's first two Phantasy Star games were some of my favourite role playing
games ever made and I was really looking forward to next installment in the
series. Sega decided to make some very radical changes to the series like adding
a generations aspect to the story lines, they changed the graphics so they appear
more realistic, and the whole game has a new medieval feel to it but despite
their best efforts, many had mixed reactions to part III and that includes me.
Although part III was a decent game, some hardcore RPG nuts didn't like Phantasy
Star III's super slow pace and goofy looking battle scenes. Phantasy Star III
still has a lot going for it like four different endings, more realistic graphics,
unique new music, and who can forget the massive quest that spans across three
generations? Despite all that Phantasy Star III is still my least favourite
game on the popular series.
*Battery back up game saves two files.
*Uncommon Genesis game
For 1 player only
graphics: 8
sound: 7
gameplay: 9
Find this game on eBay here!
91 PHANTASY STAR IV: The end of the Millennium (Sega, 1994)
In the 4th game of this famous series you help Hunters Chaz Ashley (the
rookie swordsman) and Ayls Brangwin (the veteran slasher thrower) on a mission
to kill any monsters for cash in this huge 24 meg game. Overall Phantasy Star
4 is too similar to part 2 with very few enhancements so it kind
a hurts this game a little, plus I felt that the character development
was a little weak especially for the main figures like Chaz and Rika. I still
really enjoyed playing this awesome game from beginning to end and I still wanted
more after the game was finally completed. The graphics were awesome, the music
was still good, the battles were fun, the game was never too slow, and there
were even cameos and info from past games of the series which was great for
me because I played them all.
*Battery back up game saves three files
For 1 player only
graphics: 8
sound: 7
gameplay: 9
Find this game on eBay here!
64 PITFIGHTER (Tengen/Midway, 1991)
Here is an actual GOOD version of this tough underground fighter where you
pick from one of three characters and you then you basically fight for survivor
in a brutal fighting tournament with no rules. This game even has some of the full motion videos
from the popular arcade game too which is impressive for a cart based game. Pitfighter is not the prettiest fighter anymore
since the animation is so chunky but it controls decent enough plus beating up people never gets old.
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 7
sound: 6
gameplay: 6
Find this game on eBay here!
71 PIRATES! GOLD (MircoProse, 1993)
Pirates Gold is a good looking strategy game that lets you feel like what
it's like to be a pirate on the high seas. I know it sounds cool already but it's not all stealing and fighting
because you have worry your crew moral, you cash flow, and your travel routes. There's actually a lot of strategy involved and it can get addictive. Sadly it can also get repetitive and good
luck finding a copy too.
*Rare Genesis game
For 1 player only
graphics: 7
sound: 7
gameplay: 8
Find this game on eBay here!
51 POWER RANGERS: The Movie (Sega, 1994)
"Yup, you guessed it!" This is another one of those sloppy Final
Fight type clone. You know the deal fight a bunch of the same old bad guys for the hundredth time and then fight a cheesy boss monster. It may shut up the kids for a while but pro players will
easily push this to the side for a better fighter like Streets of Rage.
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 5
sound: 4
gameplay: 5
Find this game on eBay here!
58 PRIMAL RAGE (Time Warner/Atari Games, 1995)
The limited dinosaur fighting game by Atari Games also came to the Genesis. In this one on
one beat em up you get a choice of only 7 dinos to pick from and there are no
bosses for some reason. Its fun beating up dinosaurs and giant apes but after you seen all the questionable content then the
game quickly loses its appeal.
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 6
sound: 6
gameplay: 5
Find this game on eBay here!
78 The PUNISHER (Capcom/Sculcupted Software, 1994)
It's odd with the success of Capcom's arcade beat 'em up like Final Fight and Knights of the Round, the Punisher here is the only cartridge based side scroller brawler by the software giant for this popular console. So it any good? Well, the cool thing about the Punisher here is you get to duke it out with either the Punisher or Nick Fury in singles or co-op plus there are tons of punks to fight that may or may not carry weapons. Fortunately you can use weapons too and fun to pick up knives, bats, flame throwers, and even machine guns to help gain an edge. There are scenes in the game where you can draw guns to get rid of enemies but it's odd you can do it when the game tells you to. Although the animation is a little weak and the sound effects are muffled, the game play is intense and the action rarely slows down either despite all the carnage on screen at once.
*Rare Genesis game
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 7
sound: 6
gameplay: 7
Find this game on eBay here!
78 QUACKSHOT Starring Donald Duck (Sega, 1992)
Easily one of the most original and most challenging games for the Sega Genesis.
In this game you help Donald Duck find a lost fortune in gold and if anyone gets in
the way then you have your trusty toilet plunder gun by your side to stun enemies or use them as platforms if they stick to a wall (after you get the right power up). Quackshot
is a solid adventure title that has some great graphics, great music, and it
even has a great idea.
For 1 player only
graphics: 8
sound: 8
gameplay: 8
Find this game on eBay here!
19 RACE DRIVIN (Tengen/Atari Games, 1993)
Here is a simply awful looking 3D polygon racing game originally from Atari
Games. This is the sequel to the game Hard Drivin; the only difference now
is that players can select their track before a race. Although you don't see
3D games on the Genesis too often, with these sad visuals now you know there is a very good reason.
For 1 player only
graphics: 3
sound: 2
gameplay: 3
Find this game on eBay here!
71 RAIDEN TRAD (MircoNet/Seibu Kaibatsu, 1991)
Although its cool to see this arcade hit on the Sega Genesis, its hardly the best Raiden version out there. The graphics for example; look extremely dated with the loss of detail and music
sounds very scratchy now too. This edition does include a new bonus 9th level not found anywhere else though. Raiden here
is still a decent shooter with tons of action but sadly the two player option
was taken out and even on Easy the difficulty is insane especially later in the game.
*Uncommon Genesis game
For 1 player only
graphics: 6
sound: 6
gameplay: 7
Find this game on eBay here!
70 RAMBO III (Sega, 1989)
Here is one of the first games released for the Sega Genesis and it's not too bad. Although
the game is your standard shooter, Rambo III still holds up well today with plenty to shoot at. Rambo III
is a very good action title with some impressive 16-bit graphics but the whole
game could have been longer.
For 1 player only
graphics: 7
sound: 6
gameplay: 6
Find this game on eBay here!
67 RANGER X (Sega, 1993)
Ranger X is a very unique action game featuring a powerful robotic soldier
with a weird roller jet weapon device that either acts like a side kick or can be attached to yourself to change your method of attack. The game is a fun and graphically impressive
title thanks to the all the carnage on screen but the only real issue with the title is that it really gets tough later
on in the game.
For 1 player only
graphics: 7
sound: 6
gameplay: 7
Find this game on eBay here!
31 RASTAN SAGA 2 (Taito, 1991)
Remember that great action game called Rastan from a few years back? This
doesn't look like the original tough barbarian action game at all, this looks
like a super lame cartoon show now! The graphics are goofy, the sound effects
are annoying, and the game moves so slowly now. Just avoid this joke of a game and sequel.
*Uncommon Genesis game
For 1 player only
graphics: 3
sound: 4
gameplay: 2
Find this game on eBay here!
62 RC PRO AM CHAMPIONSHIP (Tradewest/Rare, 1992)
Yes, there is a RC Pro Am game for the Genesis and this version has
cleaner graphics and sounds then the older Nintendo versions. Sadly, it's only an one player game now for some odd reason which is odd since most versions are multi-player. This
is still a great remote control toy car game especially if you loved those original
NES games.
*Uncommom Genesis game
For 1 player only
graphics: 7
sound: 5
gameplay: 7
Find this game on eBay here!
56 RED ZONE (Time Warner, 1994)
This action game here is easily one the best looking games on the old Genesis.
It doesn't control very well or even play very well for that matter whether you're
in a helicopter or on the ground 'but hey' it has Full Motion Video, and that's
most important thing, right? Red Zone has a lot of flaws but once you master the difficult controls it isn't too bad.
For 1 player only
graphics: 9
sound: 6
gameplay: 6
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63 REN & STIMPY: Stimpy's Invention (Sega/Blue Sky, 1993)
Stimpy's Invention is a fairly good two player action game starring the
not too children-friendly comedy duo. If you don't know who these guys are you play as mentally challenged fat cat and overly aggressive small dog and you are on a mission to find the parts to Stimpy's crazy happy helmet. The game is packed with some funny moments
here and there like the ability to grab Powdered Toastman's butt and use the other player as a weapon but the action itself is nothing we have not seen before.
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 7
sound: 7
gameplay: 7
Find this game on eBay here!
StarSoldier Game of the Month!
Revenge is an absolutely great 4 meg sequel to the original arcade Shinobi
that really showed off the powers of the Sega Genesis back in the day.
In the game you play as a ninja on a mission to save his bride from the powerful super natural enemy he defeated in the past. Not only are the graphics impressive but the music here is excellent as well
and fits the game perfectly. The game is hard but ROS is a highly recommend action title if you haven't
played it already.
*Multiple versions released
For 1 player only
graphics: 9
sound: 10
gameplay: 8
Find this game on eBay here!
24 RINGS of POWER (EA/Naughty Dog, 1991)
This game actually has some brief nudity if you know the secret code and the game was done by the same people who did games like Crash Bandicoot and Jax and Daxter.
The game itself though isn't very impressive. The strategy style game play here stinks big time
thanks to the confusion menus, unbearable music, and really ugly graphics.
*Rare Genesis game
For 1 player only
graphics: 2
sound: 1
gameplay: 5
Find this game on eBay here!
62 RISK (Parker Brothers, 1994)
Here's a rare one! If you never heard of this Parker Brothers game, you
help control your armies to overtake your friends armies in this translated
board game. War and imperialism: fun for the whole family! The single player game can get dull and repetitive but the multi-player
games can be a lot of fun and the added mini games were nice touch as well.
For 1 to 4 players
graphics: 6
sound: 6
gameplay: 7
Find this game on eBay here!
58 RISTAR (Sega, 1994)
Ristar is a weird and slow moving action game starring a long armed starkid
looking to rescue his father. The hook here is you hero can use his long arms to grab ledges, objects, or enemies kind of Radd Spencer in Bionic Commando. This game tried to be the next great 2D Sonic-like
platformer but like I said before it's way too slow and that's not good for
a long action game like this.
For 1 player only
graphics: 7
sound: 5
gameplay: 6
Find this game on eBay here!
65 ROAD BLASTERS (Tengen/Atari Games, 1991)
This game has both shooting and 3D racing action all in one but it didn't
do either one all too well since the game doesn't feel very different from level to
level plus you really have to be careful of your very limited time here as well.
Oh well at least this is one of Atari's legends from the 1980's also features a wide selection of 50
levels, limited guns, and different enemies here. Road Blasters on the Genesis
is one of the better versions out there but the game play isn't the most in-depth.
For 1 player only
graphics: 6
sound: 6
gameplay: 6
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85 ROAD RASH (Electronic Arts, 1991)
Ohya, this game forgets all the bullcrap found in several racing video games before it and Road Rash became something special. In the game you are a young biker looking to move up in the ranks and you can kick or club your way to victory as you race across several dangerous tracks filled with rivals, cops, and even traffic. The game starts off easy enough but the action heats up in later stages with more aggressive enemies and smarter cops looking to bust ya plus you can take realistic damage too. If a car hits you for example you go flying off your bike and after that then you have to run and get your bike if you can. It's funny, it's realistic, and it's awesome! Road Rash lacks multi-player but thankfully there's still tons to do like earn cash and dish out damage so it's no big deal.
For 1 player only
graphics: 8
sound: 7
gameplay: 9
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Ever wonder what if the Robocop ever fought the Terminator? Me either but
here is a game about it anyway. In this 2D action game you play the role of
Robocop (a cyborg who was once a law enforcement officer) and it is up to him
to rid the streets of crime but it won't be easy especially when you encounter
the super robots the Terminators. The game plays like a standard action/shooter
title but what is here is not only intense but it is quite violence as well.
Robocop vs. Terminator is a well crafted game that will appeal to more mature
For 1 player only
Rated (MA-13) for players above 13
graphics: 8
sound: 7
gameplay: 7
Find this game on eBay here!
One of Konami's first ever games on the Sega Genesis.
RKA is a goofy looking but intense action game starring a blue possum with a
sword and a rocket pack. The character never really took off but it was a interesting
idea at least. The problem with Rocket Knight here is the game play is too fast for a platformer and I found the game play more confusing then fun but once you learn the controls and see the cool stage designs there is a great game here.
For 1 player only
graphics: 8
sound: 7
gameplay: 7
Find this game on eBay here!
76 ROCK N' ROLL RACING (Interplay, 1993)
This fun Super Nintendo hardcore racer comes to the Genesis complete
with its famous heavy metal rock midi music and its deadly weaponary. The sound isn't as good as the Snes version but the crazy hardcore driving game play is still intact here so that's cool. If you like
overhead racing games like RC Pro Am but you something with a bit more action then you'll love this.
*Rare Genesis game
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 6
sound: 7
gameplay: 7
Find this game on eBay here!
75 ROLLING THUNDER 2 (Namco, 1991)
This action spy game looks quite impressive for it's day. In the game you play as one or two highly
skilled spies on a mission to stop some mutant terrorists in some cool anime
style action. It's a very difficult game and the controls can be a little stiff at times but it's still a lot of fun thanks
to it easy to pick up arcade-like game play.
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 8
sound: 8
gameplay: 8
Find this game on eBay here!
60 ROLLING THUNDER 3 (Namco, 1993)
Anybody remember this game in the somewhat popular action series? Rolling Thunder 3 is a really
basic arcade spy style arcade game that's easy to play and slightly easier to control then the last game but
Namco also took out the fun two player mode as well. The game is nothing too new but it's
still solid spy action.
For 1 player only
graphics: 6
sound: 6
gameplay: 7
Find this game on eBay here!
87 SAGAIA (Taito, 1991)
Sagaia is an action packed side scrolling shooter based on the popular Darius
series. This game is loaded with a huge 28 levels, multiple power ups, and it
has even multiple endings. The story is about the heroic Darius fighter pilots
and how they get a destress call from another solar system where their old enemies
are planning an grand scale invasion. So can you save our solar system from destruction?
The only problems with this fine title is that some stages can get repetitive
plus the music although catchy can be annoying. Still Sagaia is so intense and
so large that it makes for a must for any diehard shooter fan.
*Uncommon Genesis game
1 player only
graphics: 8
sound: 7
gameplay: 7
Find this game on eBay here!
41 SAINT SWORD (Taito, 1990)
The lame name of Saint Sword really fits this dull action title well because
this game here absolutely stinks! The levels are absolutely huge but that's also part of the problem. Its very easy to get lost and your on the clock too so you have study the game or you would make it very far. Thanks but no thanks. You will find nothing new here and the characters
look pretty weak for warriors as well.
*Uncommon Genesis game
For 1 player only
graphics: 4
sound: 5
gameplay: 5
Find this game on eBay here!
63 SAMURAI SHODOWN (Takana/SNK, 1994)
Samurai Shodown was one of SNK's big surprise hits in the video game world
and arcade players welcomed the one on one sword swinging gameplay to the usual
one on one beat em up clones of Street Fighter II at the time. Because
the game was so popular it was even made for several other gaming system other
than SNK's very own Neo Geo cartridge system. This version has some nice
graphics and the game play stays intact but the 3D scaling effects are done
plus the giant EarthQuake is missing from the lineup possiblily from the weaker
hardware when compared to the stronger Neo Geo.
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 7
sound: 6
gameplay: 7
Find this game on eBay here!
77 SHADOW DANCER: The Secret of Shinobi (Sega, 1991)
Here is another great Shinobi game but unlike the others now you have a
white dog to help you through the 5 challenging levels. Be careful, unlike other Shinobi titles for the Genesis only one hit will kill you
this time though so the game may be too tough for some players. Shodow Dancer is on the
short side but the game plays great.
1 player only
graphics: 8
sound: 7
gameplay: 7
Find this game on eBay here!
09 SHAQ FU (EA, 1993)
This game here is nothing more then a totally retarded fighting game starring
basketball semi-star Shaquille O' Neal and a cast of 11 rejects from
that wouldn't even be welcome in B movies. Shaq Fu is not a good fighting game
for casual players thanks to the awkward controls, heck this game isn't even
a good choice for people looking for a joke game.
1 or 2 players
graphics: 5 ............. good animation at least.
sound: 3
gameplay: 3
Find this game on eBay here!
40 SHADOW of the BEAST (Electronic Arts, 1991)
The award winning Amiga title comes to the Genesis but even though it may look awesome here, this Shadow of the Beast version is loaded with problems. If you are new to this you play as a man that has been transformed into a hideous beast creature and now you are on a mission for a cure. My biggest issue with the game is your beast character is the horrible hit detection, your standard punch attack that you'll be using for 90 percent of the game has short range and it's easy to take a lot of damage from the many enemies here. Another issue is the overall difficulty, one life and no continues so good freaking luck.
For 1 player
graphics: 7
sound: 5
gameplay: 3
Find this game on eBay here!
24 SHADOW of the BEAST II (Electronic Arts, 1992)
The beast is now cured but he still has to deal with a huge list of enemies in this sequel. This nearly impossible to play action game
comes with great character detail but lousy character animation and the insane high difficulty feels as unbalanced as ever. Was Shadow of the Beast that good of a game to get a sequel in the first place especially after the first one bombed here? I remember hating it on the Genesis last time and this new one still plays like sh*&! This game could
have been an awesome sequel to the popular PC original thanks to the good art and monster killing game play but this is very poorly
For 1 player
graphics: 6
sound: 4
gameplay: 3
Find this game on eBay here!
(Sega, 1991)
Here is the
first game in the Shining Force series is your average 3D dungeon type of game. This
is a good Role Playing Game with some nice graphics and audio but if you played titles like Might and Magic or the lameass Double Dungeons it's pretty much the same game. Yeah, wandering around in these same old mazes does
get boring in a hurry.
back up game
For 1 player only
graphics: 7
sound: 5
gameplay: 7
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83 SHINING FORCE (Sega, 1992)
In this interesting game you must build a army of young warriors to go up
against the evil Runefaust empire that nearly destroyed your kingdom in one
quick invasion. Shining Force is a little on the easy side but it is a great
Strategy/RPG with 8 compelling Chapters and some good graphics too.
*Battery back up game
For 1 player only
graphics: 7
sound: 4
gameplay: 9
Find this game on eBay here!
91 SHINING FORCE II (Sega, 1994)
It's simple, it's easy to play and it's very addictive too. "What more
can you ask for in a game?" Shining Force II is a great sequel to the original
tactic/RPG and it even comes with a even better story now. This game series
is so underrated in my opinion. Go buy it now if you a fan of strategy titles.
*Battery back up game
For 1 player only
graphics: 7
sound: 6
gameplay: 10
Find this game on eBay here!
87 SHINOBI III Return of the Ninja Master (Sega,
Shinobi III is a very good sequel to the awesome Revenge
of Shinobi. In the game you still play as a highly skilled ninja on a mission to fight away at rival clans, mutants, and even robots. Although the game isn't a huge improvement over the
last game; part III has newer moves, all new levels, and there is even more
of the ninja action that we all know and love.
*Uncommon Genesis game
For 1 player only
graphics: 8
sound: 7
gameplay: 8
Find this game on eBay here!
.......... "If you don't like that, I got two words for ya!" In
the game you help a construction worker sort through enough boxes to earn his
way to fame and fortune. Shove It is a very simple box moving puzzle game by
design so the graphics and sounds are duller then a LJN game but the challenge
factor makes it a very addictive puzzler as well.
*Uncommon Genesis game
For 1 player only
graphics: 5
sound: 5
gameplay: 4
Find this game on eBay here!
The Simpsons VIRTUAL BART (Acclaim, 1994)
What sounds like a really cool game about TV's Bart Simpson in a virtual reality program just ends up
to be very being very limited. In the game you simply play the same overly boring
mini games over and over again in hopes of getting out the program without getting dizzy. Virtual Bart isn't much of a long term game.
For 1 player only
graphics: 7
sound: 5
gameplay: 5
Find this game on eBay here!
55 SONIC 3D BLAST (Sega/Traveler Tales, 1996)
Sonic 3D Blast is a very weird overhead version of a Sonic game that's also
on the Sega Saturn. Now Sonic is on a mission to rescue birds called Flickys and that won't be easy with the evil Dr. Robotnik on your tail. The game still plays good and the graphics are fairly
nice too but this new view sure slows down the action since it's hard to time jumps now plus why is there no save feature
here either?
For 1 player only
graphics: 8
sound: 7
gameplay: 5
Find this game on eBay here!
StarSoldier Game of the Month!
90 SONIC The Hedgehog (Sega,
June 23, 1991)
Here it is! This is the original Sonic the Hedgehog that took the world
by storm and Sega finally had a weapon powerful enough to take on their rival
Nintendo way back in 1991. See why Sonic is a still a great and fun game
to have around. Sonic was fast, he had a attitude, gameplay anyone could master,
plus graphics and sound that still hold up even today. Sonic the Hedgehog also
won the 1991 Game of the Year in such magazines like Electonic Gaming
Monthly, Video Games & Computers, and more thus making the game the
next big thing of it's time. The award winning original here is still a great
game even by today's standards and it should be in everyone's Genesis collection!
For 1 player only
graphics: 9
sound: 9
gameplay: 7
Find this game on eBay here!
87 SONIC The Hedgehog 2 (Sega/Sonic Team,
November 24, 1992)
"Millions of fans can't be wrong!" Sonic the Hedgehog 2 has to
be one of Sega's best all time sellers and thanks to this game and their aggressive
ad campaign, Sega finally got ahead of Nintendo during the early 90's. A very
impressive feet! Here is the historic game that helped to turn the tables on Nintendo and made the Sega Genesis number 1. The new 3D bonus
levels, the spin dash move, and the 2 player battle modes added extra punch
to a already fun game. Sonic 2 is a great game for people looking for easy to
control arcade action that any one can pick up and play. This big game also
proved that Sega was real force in the gaming world and that Nintendo was no
longer invincible.
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 8
sound: 7
gameplay: 8
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88 SONIC The Hedgehog 3 (Sega, Febuary
2, 1994)
Sonic 3 is a great 16 meg game by itself, but it's even better with Sonic
& Knuckles added on to it. Sonic and Tails go to a new island to investigate
unusaul activities and the two find tons of trouble in six different zones.
Sonic 3 still has all the great fast paced action we all know and love but the
game is definitely on the short side.
*Battery back up game
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 8
sound: 9
gameplay: 8
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Best Genesis game!
The StarSoldier Game of the Month!
97 SONIC & KNUCKLES (Sega, October 18, 1994)
One of the few games that's actually compatible
with other games believe it or not. A very cool idea by Sega. Sonic 2
and Sonic 3 work on it but it's really Sonic 3 that opens up a whole bigger
and better game while Sonic 2 let's you play as Knuckles. By itself it's a little
on the average side for Sonic games but it's the innovative Lock On feature
really takes it to the next level and adds tons of replay value.
For 1 player only
graphics: 8
sound: 8
gameplay: 9
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72 SONIC CLASSICS (Sega, 1997)
This collection includes the three games: Sonic the Hedgehog, Dr. Robotnix's
Mean Bean, and Sonic the Hedgehog 2 in one solid package. Not too
bad if you ask me but most Sega fans may have at least one of these games already and there is nothing new to these old titles either.
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 8
sound: 8
gameplay: 9
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30 SONIC SPINBALL (Sega, October 1993)
Sonic Pinball may seem like a great idea for a game, eh? One part Sonic the Hedgehog, one part classic Pinball in one big game. Unfortunately the
game itself looks very choppy and slow which is not good for a pinball game and it's
definitely not good for a Sonic game. Sonic Pinball is the first black eye of many for this popular
For 1 player only
graphics: 5
sound: 5
gameplay: 5
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60 SPACE HARRIER II (Sega, 1989)
The graphics and artwork look great in this old Sega Genesis title
but the frame rate is not as good as the original Space Harrier arcade game
or the Sega 32X game. I would have rated this higher if there was more
weapons and more moves added, so it would earn the right to be called a sequel.
For 1 player only
graphics: 7
sound: 5
gameplay: 3
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SPACE INVADERS '91 (Taito, 1991)
Here is a hard to find upgrade on the mega hit wonder from 1978. Like the original game you get to shoot multiple enemies because if you don't they will slowly reach inch closer to the ground and if even one of them makes it, that's game over. Fortunately, you can take multiple hits and even earn power ups if you destroy the mother ship that appears from time to time. This great
shooting game comes packed with 17 levels, a great soundtrack, and different enemies for each section too. Space
Invaders 91 is really great for retro fanatics and maybe this game will win
over new fans as well thanks to the intense action.
*Rare Genesis game
For 1 player only
graphics: 7
sound: 8
gameplay: 6
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83 SPLATTERHOUSE 2 (Namco, 1992)
The bloody sequel to the cool Turbografx-16 horror game features more weapons and all new gruesome creatures that makes Resident Evil look like a cake walk. Now our hero Rick is on a deadly mission to revive is his lost love
by returning to the all new Splatter House. There are some really cool graphics on certain levels
like the screaming ghosts on the walls of level 2 but the game is still too short
like the first one.
*Uncommon Genesis game
For 1 player only
graphics: 8
sound: 7
gameplay: 7
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77 SPLATTERHOUSE 3 (Namco, 1993)
This huge 16 Meg game of this underrated series contiunes the legacy of
rotting fresh and blood stained walls. Now both Jennifer and your son are in mortal danger as a new group of vicious creatures hold them captive. You better be quick too or they will have no problems killing them both. The game plays like a Final Fight
clone so you can grabble certain enemies and do combo moves too. Yeah, it sound weird and I miss the basic platforming but don't worry it's still a fairly good unlinear game with a lot of twists.
*Uncommon Genesis game
For 1 player only
graphics: 9
sound: 6
gameplay: 7
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52 STAR CONTROL (Accolade, 1990)
The first ever 12 Meg game for the Sega Genesis is this classic space
combat simulation. It's highly recommend you buy this game with the instruction
manual because there are tons of alien races to study each with their own different technology. There are even some Asteroids-like battle scenes here but the game is more of a strategy title and a slow one at that.
*Uncommon Genesis game
For 1 player only
graphics: 6
sound: 4
gameplay: 8
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07 STAR FLIGHT (EA, 1991)
I wanted to like Star Flight here but the problem is it has terrible sound, terrible graphics,
and terrible well, everything! In the game you have to explore the vast area
of space in this totally boring strategy game here. There is a lot you can do in the game like managing resources and visiting aliens but it's just way too slow for
my taste.
*Rare Genesis game
For 1 player only
graphics: 3
sound: 0
gameplay: 7
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I loved that game! I know the graphics and sound weren't top notch, but
if you've ever played the PC version you will know that they are a huge improvment
over that. It is a really huge game with lots of exploring to do, and interacting
with the aliens was a blast for me. I love the graphics when exploring a planet,
all kinds of hazards like tornados, earthquakes, hurricanes, lightning, and
of course hostile aliens.
My grade
Graphics 7
Sound 6
Gameplay 9
-Larry Elliott
40 STEEL TALONS (Tengen/Atari, 1991)
This 3D helicopter shooter was a nice but failed attempt at polygons
on the Sega Genesis. In the game you must shoot down all the targets in the area to get to the next stage and then repeat. Fun, eh? I never played the arcade game but it has to be
faster and a lot better than this lame game here.
For 1 player only
graphics: 5
sound: 4
gameplay: 4
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STORM LORD (RazorSoft, 1990)
Although this game looks like a very average version of Capcom's Ghouls n'
Ghost, this Storm Lord game has something a little unusual about it here.
Storm Lord features statues of semi-nude women through out the adventure to
spice up a fairly dark looking game. Read the true story about why the women were
suppose to be completely nude here. Storm Lord is good but the high difficulty and long levels may frustrate many players.
For 1 player only
graphics: 7
sound: 4
gameplay: 5
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77 STREET FIGHTER II: Special Championship Edition (Capcom, September 1992)
This plays similar too Street Fighter II Turbo on Super Nintendo
but this version has a extra battle mode where you select teams before a fight,
and is a full 24 Megs unlike the 20 Meg SNES game. It really doesn't make that much of a difference though. This is a great fighting game with 12 playable fighters each with their own moves but
the music and sound effects are noticeably worse on the Genesis. Do we really
need another Street Fighter II anyway?
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 8
sound: 6
gameplay: 8
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84 STREETS of RAGE (Sega, 1991)
The original in this popular Sega fighting series is the most balanced one
of the three versions of Streets of Rage in my opinion. In the game you help
the vigilantes Axel, Adam, and Blaze clean up the mean streets, beaches, and
hideouts of a gang invested city. Streets of Rage
is easy to pick up and play yet still tough to master too with great controls and you can even use a clear all enemies bomb attack like in Golden Axe. Although it's a clone of Final Fight, it surpasses the original in so many ways especially that Snes diaster.
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 8
sound: 8
gameplay: 8
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90 STREETS of RAGE 2 (Sega, 1992)
The first ever 16 Mega bit game on the Genesis is this popular sequel to
Sega's original well done fighting title. Streets of Rage 2 removes Adam from the original cast and adds the giant pro wrestler Maxx and the small but very scrapy Skate to the line up so you have an impressive four characters to pick from now. If that wasn't cool enough the visuals look way better with larger characters and the sprite detail rivals what the arcades were currently doing at the time. SOR2 is a great looking
fighting game and it plays great but it is a bit too easy and it now looks even
more like Capcom's Final Fight so it loses some points for unoriginality. Still a very cool game though that just plays great.
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 9
sound: 7 ............. poor digital voices.
gameplay: 8
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74 STREETS of RAGE 3 (Sega, 1994)
This edition to the once popular franchise is not as easy or as linear as the second Streets of Rage but despite that
improvement it's not all good. First off the new music just feels out of place here and the new robotic character named Zan just sucks in comparsion to the previous game (I miss Maxx). Plus if that wasn't enough Sega even censored this game by putting more clothes on the ladies and the original Japanese version had a strange boss that looked very fruity. Oddly this boss can still be unlocked with a Game Genie code though. Streets of Rage 3 isn't bad but it loses some of the magic from the last titles thanks to the strange sci-fi story line and high default difficulty.
*Rare Genesis game
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 8
sound: 4....... just awful!
gameplay: 8
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46 STREET SMART (Treco, 1990)
Street Smart is a merely OK one on one beat em up with some fairly good
graphics for its day but Street Fighter II absolutely kills this in terms
of complexity, options, and animation. In this game you are a young up and coming martial artist competing in deadly street tournaments in hopes of winning big cash. Again, good concept, bad execution. Buy Street Smart to see how far we come.
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 6
sound: 5
gameplay: 5
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85 STRIDER (Sega/Capcom, December 1990)
Strider is an alsolutely amazing and action packed 8 Meg game (the first
8 Mega bit for the Sega Genesis by the way) with unbelievable anime style
graphics and solid background music. Although it only has 5 levels here, it's still way better than the other
Strider games out there on the NES and SMS platform. This is a must for the Genesis fan looking for action and you arcade
freaks might like it too.
For 1 player only
graphics: 9
sound: 8
gameplay: 7
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53 STRIDER RETURNS (US gold/Capcom, 1992)
This game should have been awesome, what the hell! They screwed up this once acclaimed series big time because this sequel
comes with choppier graphics and less then exciting levels in this 8 Meg action
game. The game is still good but just compare the two Striders side by side
and you will be surprised how badly this sequel was handled.
For 1 player only
graphics: 5
sound: 6
gameplay: 6
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70 SUBTERRANIA (Sega, 1993)
This is a very cool looking game that plays kind of like a mission based
game of Asteroids by Atari. Subterrania is a very challenging
adventure with 9 levels with tons mutants and narrow areas and because of this there are so many ways to die. Despite being pretty damn hard the graphics are amazing and the game is fun to play. "Finally a
game worth picking up in the old discount bins!
For 1 player only
graphics: 8................. uses nice pre-rendered graphics.
sound: 7
gameplay: 6
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31 SUPERMAN (Sunsoft, 1992)
Oh boy, it's yet another Superman video game and guess what, it's awful! In this action platformer the man of steel himself is trying to save missing children from the different super villians in metropolis. There's just one problem though, Superman is a total wimp and in most of the stages you only have a few types of short range punches and kicks to fight off several different enemies that always seem to surround you at the worst moments. Some stages also let you fly and shoot lasers but only for a few sections then he magically loses his powers in the platform scenes. Sunsoft Superman is just a pussy and his game super stinks.
For 1 player only
graphics: 5
sound: 7
gameplay: 4
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67 SUPER HANG ON (Sega, 1990)
The sequel to the classic Motorcycle arcade racer features an all new grand
prix mode to heighten the game's replay value. Although the game isn't much
to look at, racing across country on a bike can be a cool and challenging experience plus you don't have to finish it all at once thanks to the password system. Super Hang On is cheap and worth checking out.
For 1 player only
graphics: 5
sound: 5
gameplay: 7
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SUPER MONACO GP (Sega, 1990)
If the name Super Monaco GP sounds familiar then it is because the game
was originally a popular arcade game as well. The game also gets translated to Genesis
here and this high caliber game is a very good looking F1 racer with its unique semi-First
Person perspective and this game also comes loaded with lots of levels from
around the world. The graphics and sounds are not as polished as the arcade in terms of quality so Super Monaco GP has aged a bit in presentation and the password
save system is a bit annoying but the game still plays great thanks to the smooth controls and I also like
that blonde chick in the swimsuit too, eh?
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 7
sound: 6
gameplay: 7
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68 SUPER STREET FIGHTER II (Capcom, June 1994)
This fighting upgrade here ended up being the biggest memory size cart for
the Genesis clocking in at a whooping 40 megs! Too bad its only another lame
upgrade to the overdone Street Fighter II series. Not only do you have the 12
original fighters return to the line up but you also see new comers Cammy White,
Fei Long, T. Hawk, DeeJay fight for the world championship. The fighting is
still solid but the sound is absolutely terrible here.
For 1 or 2 players
graphics: 7
sound: 4
gameplay: 8
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October 1989)
The popular Thunder Blade series comes to the powerful
16-bit Genesis but the end result remands rather lackluster. In this game you're just blasting down junk and it gets real old real quick plus everything looks
flat and like complete ........... well, you get the picture. Maybe this 3D helicopter game was
passable in the late 80's but definitely not today plus it wasn't fun to play back then either.
For 1 player only
graphics: 4
sound: 3
gameplay: 2
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03 SWORD of SODAN (EA, 1991)
Whoa, and I thought the TurboGrafx-16 game, China Warrior
was bad! Imagine being able to play as giant characters that look great but are super slow and very
hard to control; you have the God awful Sword of Sodan here. Yet another failed attempt by EA
to create a decent action title on the Genesis.
For 1 player only
graphics: 6
sound: 5
gameplay: 2
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58 SWORD of VERMILLION (Sega, 1991)
Cool, another Role Playing Game on the Genesis. Sword of Vermillion here is a decent 5 Meg RPG with both 3D and 2D worlds and some really good background music too. Sadly
the 3D worlds are fairly ugly looking compared to the 2D ones and many of the locations
look the same as well. You could do worse for a Role Playing game (Super Hydlide) but you could sure do a lot better too (Phantasy Star II).
*Battery back up game
For 1 player only
graphics: 6
sound: 5
gameplay: 6
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50 SYD of VALIS (Renovation, 1994)
Is that a stupid or name? Syd of Valis is a goofy looking kid's game about a young girl named Yuko
and how her world was changed by monsters from another universe. This Valis
remake is fun if you dig the whole super deformed look and easy game play here but the frame-rate is pretty bad.
For 1 player only
graphics: 6
sound: 4
gameplay: 6
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